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Pyramus and Thisbe Vocabulary

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1 Pyramus and Thisbe Vocabulary
esteemed – (verb) to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration There was a great feast in honor of their esteemed guest, Theseus. obligation - (noun) something that is done or is to be done because of a sense of duty or results from custom, law Remembering her obligation to them reminded her that she liked being single, and not having to cook or clean up after a husband. ambush – (noun) the act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack The warrior women arrive in Athens under the darkness of night; perfect for an ambush. brazen – (adj.) shameless and bold Theseus' brazen act sparked a great battle between the Athenians and Amazons. adjoining – (adj.) located next to another with a common border or wall. Their parents occupied adjoining houses. hapless – (adj.) unlucky; unfortunate. "Oh, hapless girl," he said. peril – (noun) something that may cause injury, loss, or destruction I am the guilty cause, in tempting you to a place of such peril. appointed – (adj.) predetermined; arranged; set up He took up the veil, carried it with him to the appointed tree, and covered it with kisses and with tears.

2 Pyramus and Thisbe

3 Pyramus and Thisbe 16th Century.

4 Mythology of Midsummer’s Night Dream – Vocabulary Review
esteemed – (verb) to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration obligation - (noun) something that is done or is to be done because of a sense of duty or results from custom, law ambush – (noun) the act of waiting in a concealed position in order to launch a surprise attack brazen – (adj.) shameless and bold adjoining – (adj.) located next to another with a common border or wall. hapless – (adj.) unlucky; unfortunate. peril – (noun) something that may cause injury, loss, or destruction appointed – (adj.) predetermined; arranged; set up

5 Recognize anyone?

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