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Mr. Marinello * US History

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1 Mr. Marinello * US History
Life in the 20’s Mr. Marinello * US History

2 America becomes a car nation
Detroit leads the way Henry Ford pioneers the car company In 1903 he sets the land speed record (91 mph) in his newly designed “Model T” car. Sells an inexpensive, easy to use, easy to repair car designed for the public. In 1914, Ford offered his workers $5 per day ($120 in 2014) Brings a flood of workers to Detroit and sets the stage for the explosion in cars Cars changed the nation: First paved roads suitable for driving in all weather Addition of garages to homes Gas stations, car repair businesses More people could go into cities and take long vacations

3 America Takes Flight The Wright Brothers invent the airplane
1903, first controlled, heavier than air, human flight In 1927, aviator Charles Lindbergh makes first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean The flights of Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart popularize commercial and cargo air travel

4 President Coolidge Love Business
Calvin Coolidge became President when Warren Harding died in office “Silent Cal” Coolidge was pro business Suited the growing industries in America at the time.

5 Superficial Prosperity
With the end of WWI there was a feeling that America would always be prosperous Business was booming Workers wages were going up

6 Women are freed from Domestic Work
With the expansion of production Americans had many more things to buy Electric iron Electric refrigerators Electric sewing machines With the rise of these modern conveniences women were able to leave the home The passage of the 19th amendment meant that women could have a say in how their government was run This brings a new age for women

7 Women in the 1920’s Flappers Women begin demanding more from life
By 1930, 10 million women work in jobs. The birth rate in America begins to drop Increases in information on birth control and family planning Marriages were increasingly based on romance and companionship

8 The Birth of Modern Credit
With the expansion of manufacturing and business there are many more things for people to buy People could now but things on “installment plans” One dollar now, one dollar forever What is the danger of buying something on credit? America has little idea what is coming around the corner.

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