Motion Transformation Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Transformation Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Transformation Systems

2 1. Slider and Crank Motion of crank is transmitted to the connecting rod Transforms rotational motion into translational motions Motion is then transmitted to another part. Ex. Gas engines, pumps

3 2. Rack and Pinion Rack (straight rod with teeth), gear (pinion)
Motion transformed by motion of the teeth. Translational to rotational or vice-versa Needs lubrication, no slipping ex. Steering systems, microscopes


5 3. Cam and Follower Irregular shaped disk, rod called a follower
When cam turns, follower makes translational motion (up and down) Sewing machines, toys, motor valves

6 4. Screw gear system Nut is driver and the screw (rotational motion into translational motions) Or vice –versa, screw is driver. Ex car jacks

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