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Source A Source B Source C Source D Source E Source F Source G Source

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1 Source A Source B Source C Source D Source E Source F Source G Source
What is the reason for the crime of vagrancy? (Religion, population, farming, war) How does lead to crime of vagrancy? Source A Source B Source C Source D Source E Source F Source G

2 1500 Population of Britain 2 million 1524 Population of Britain 2.3 million. 1541 Population of Britain 2.7 million. 1569 Population of Britain 3.2 million. 1600 Population of Britain just over 4 million. Source A, a table outlining the population of Britain over the 16th Century The first half of the 16th century saw a rapid growth in the cloth trade. This resulted in a great demand for wool. As prices grew it became more profitable for large landowners to switch from arable to sheep farming. Farmers began enclosing their fields with fences and hedges and filling them with sheep. Whereas growing crops involved employing large numbers of farm labourers, sheep farming needed very few workers. Source B, an extract from To obtain even more land for sheep farming the large landowners increased the rents they charged the peasants for their land. Unable to pay these increased rents, the peasants were forced to leave the land. Source C, an extract from a History textbook The Tudors became the ruling family of England after a long period of warfare known as the ‘War of the Roses’. After this there were many injured ex soldiers who were not fit to work. Also, King Henry VI made it illegal for rich landowners to keep their own private armies as he was afraid of rebellion. This meant that there were thousands of ex soldiers now without work. Source D, an extract from a History textbook.

3 Many people were worried about the cost of looking after the poor
Many people were worried about the cost of looking after the poor. Each village and town raised poor-rates to help the genuine poor of their own parish. Local people did not want to spend their hard earned money supporting the poor or idle from another parish. Source E, an extract from a school textbook. People felt that idleness was wrong. Puritan religion taught that everyone should work hard so they did not have enough time to be tempted to commit sins. In fact, not working was seen as a crime in its own right. Most people did not object to helping the genuine poor, who could not work because they were old or sick, but were suspicious of outsiders asking for help, especially if they appeared to be healthy and fit enough to work. Source F, an extract from a school textbook. If you look in any part of the country that grows the finest and dearest wool, there you will find noblemen have abused the public interest. They enclose land for sheep. They tear down houses and leave nothing standing but the church to be made into a sheep house. Source G, written by Thomas More in Thomas was a well educated member of government.

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