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Save our Country Immigration and Nationalism

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Presentation on theme: "Save our Country Immigration and Nationalism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Save our Country Immigration and Nationalism

2 How is immigration in Korea?
Is immigration a good thing or a bad thing? Is it good for the economy? Is it good for culture? Does society benefit from immigration?

3 Where do immigrants come from?
Where do you think the most immigrants come from in Korea? List the top five countries. Where do most of the immigrants from Korea come from?




7 How to Koreans handle immigration?
Are Koreans welcoming of immigrants? Are Koreans not welcoming? Does it matter the kind of immigrant or from what country they come from?

8 What do you think of immigrants?
There are immigrants everywhere. Would you feel comfortable… Working with an immigrant Living next door to an immigrant Being served at a restaurant by an immigrant Seeing mixed couples and mixed babies Would you date an immigrant of another country?

9 Save our Country Save our beloved Nation, Shingistan
Page 62

10 Where do immigrants work?
Page 64 Is it common to see immigrants work in Korea? Is it common to see immigrants driving, living life, going to restaurants… Would you feel comfortable if an immigrant… Drove a bus Taxi Was a police officer Politician

11 Immigration and politics
There are so many opinions about immigration in politics. Each group represents a political party. Create a policy about immigration Should immigrants be allowed to work, study? How hard should it be to get a green card? Should their be countries that the government should not let people in (a travel ban)? Is it better for culture that immigration expand or contract? What will make the nation stronger? Is security or humanity more important? Can they be implemented together?

12 PRESENT! How did the other teams do?
Ask questions! Listen well (active listening) What do you think the current climate of Korea is politically towards immigration? Which team holds the policy truest to the current policy on immigration?

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