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Presentation on theme: "Prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer

2 Blessing: type of prayer said before meals and for others; care
God bless… Adoration: “adore” God and his works; Dear God, Great are your works Petition: our needs, wants, God, help me be kind. Intercession: other’s needs. Dear God, keep all those who are suffering close to you and give them comfort. Sorrow. Forgiveness: Asking forgiveness for our faults God, I am sorry (mercy) Thanksgiving: Give thanks; Thanks, God. Praise: God is AWESOME! Dear God, you are amazing in all your works and all creation.

3 Blessing: Dear God, bless this house and its occupants.
Adoration: Dear Heavenly Father, …. Petition:

4 When Praying: Consider using this format to help you organize your thoughts: Greeting Prayer of Praise or Adoration Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer of Sorrow Prayer of Intercession or Petition Prayer of Blessing Closing

5 Using that format, create a prayer that is meaningful to you
Using that format, create a prayer that is meaningful to you. It must include the seven areas listed in your notes. It will be worth 14 points for your thoughts, 5 points for correct spelling, grammar, etc.

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