English December 11th Agenda You Will Need:

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Presentation on theme: "English December 11th Agenda You Will Need:"— Presentation transcript:

1 English 1-2 - December 11th Agenda You Will Need:
Reading Quiz Project Groups Check-In Work time Homework/Exit Ticket You Will Need: Homework for stamping Notebook TOC Writing Implement To Kill a Mockingbird 1/2 piece of paper

2 Reading Quiz - Chapters 5-7
True or False: Miss Maudie loves to spread rumors. True or False: Atticus tries to stop Jem, Scout and Dill from bothering Boo Radley. True or False: Nathan Radley shoots at Jem, Scout and Dill. True or False: Scout always understands Jem’s choices. True or False: Jem and Scout find treasures in a tree.

3 Project Work Time This is the LAST class period to work on your presentation. Make sure: You have all the information you need. Your group discusses how to present. The digital presentation can be completed before Tuesday.

4 Homework - Due 12/15 Read Chs. 8-9 of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Complete a one page dialectical journal. Focus: Unfairness

5 Exit Ticket What is your project status?
How will you make sure you are done by Tuesday?

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