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Fifth Grade Back-to-school Night

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Back-to-school Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Back-to-school Night
Mrs. Skiba, Mrs. Hargrave, Mrs. Clay, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Lockhart

2 5th Grade Curriculum Overview
Literacy *Writing -organization appropriate to task, purpose and audience -planning, revising, editing, rewriting with support from peers and adults -use a variety of punctuation -research -main ideas with supporting details -modes of writing: opinion, informative/explanatory, narrative -spelling, especially most common words *Reading Strategies -key ideas and details -craft and structure -vocabulary development -integration of knowledge/ideas -text features (index, glossary, charts, table of contents) -story elements (character, plot, setting, problem, resolution) -range of reading and level of text complexity *Genres: informational text, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, fiction, poetry *Speaking and listening

3 Curriculum Overview Continued
Math *All operations-Decimals to 100th place *Coordinate Plane System *Integrating Decimals *Dividing Decimals *Fractions: Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing *Measurement and Data *Probability *Problem solving

4 Curriculum Overview... Social Studies and Science Thematic Units
*Engineering Design *Geography *Science Inquiry *US Government *Earth Science *Economics *Life Science *Physical Science

5 PBIS at Findley (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support)
School wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive and respectful school environment. Cooperation, Action, Respect, Empathy

6 PYP-Primary Years Program
Inquiry-based program Students are guided by using different learning styles throughout the six transdisciplinary themes

7 (Schedule is subject to change)
ilDaily Schedule 8:30-9:05 Literacy 9:05-9:50 Specials 9:50-11:10 Literacy/Reading 11:10-12:30 Math 12:30-1:10 Recess/Lunch 1:10-2:15 Literacy/Writing 2:15-2:30 Recess 2:30-3:00 Literacy (Schedule is subject to change)

8 5th Grade Standards Learning Targets Common Core Standards

9 Homework We believe that homework should :
be an activity that is a continuation of classroom experiences where possible, be related to the child’s learning style, interests and individual needs build work habits for future learning daily planner Review planner. Minutes to read. No excuse words. IXL is math program. Multiplication math facts need to know. Typing agent will be new this year.

10 Communication Email:
Planner Ask your child! Send notes or s of any after-school changes and any absences.

11 Thank You

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