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National GOVT Increases Power

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1 National GOVT Increases Power
GOVT Notes 3-5

2 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
Commerce Clause (Art I, Sec. 8, Cl 3) Congress has power to regulate commerce (trade) EX: television, radio, buses, airlines, cellular service, internet

3 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Redefine commerce as not only transportation of goods, but movement of people and services

4 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
B. Regulate Interstate Commerce Wagner Act (1935): Congress can regulate unions (employees) Fair Labor Standards Act (1938): Congress can require employer to give breaks, overtime pay, & minimum wage

5 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
C. Civil Rights Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. Video Supreme Court: businesses can’t discriminate against people if they engaged in interstate commerce (Civil Rights Act)

6 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
2) Extend Civil Liberties 14th Amendment (1868): Grants citizenship by birth and equal protection under the law **Extends the Bill of Rights to the States **

7 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
3) Using Economic Influence financial aid to the states (grants) controlling state use of federal money EX: Drinking Age of 21

8 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
4) DUE PROCESS: be treated fairly and equally under the law Examples trial rights access to education Gov’t can’t take property w/o compensation 5th Amendment 14th Amendment

9 If you get married in Las Vegas are you married when you leave Las Vegas?

10 If your ID is from Hawaii, can other states accept it?

11 Ways National GOVT Increases Power
5. Full Faith and Credit Clause: (Art. IV, Sec 1) States have a duty to recognize laws and judicial proceedings of other states

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