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The River Valley Civilizations

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1 The River Valley Civilizations

2 Mesopotamia The Sumerians settled in the Fertile Crescent. (the area around the Tigris and Euphrates river) Flooding is unpredictable No Natural Defenses Need for city walls Set up elaborate irrigation systems to control water


4 Sumerian cities Divided into city-states
Ruled by Monarch Houses made of sun-dried mud bricks Temples were often built atop ziggurats. Society was divided into social groups King Aristocracy Free Commoners Peasants and Slaves


6 Technology Potters Wheel Bronze by 3000 BC Irrigation Glass
Clay Bricks

7 Writing Cuneiform: First Writing system The Epic of Gilgamesh

8 Sumerian Empires Sargon of Akkad
conquers Sumer and unites the two into one empire. His successors are unable to preserve the empire, and Sumer returns to independent city-states.



11 Hammurabi In 2000 bc Amorites defeat the Sumerians and establish their capital at Babylon. Hammurabi controls the Babylonian Empire from bc. Hammurabi establishes a set of laws for his empire

12 Hammurabi’s Code Hammurabi puts the laws of his empire into stone tablets and places them across the empire. Establishes the idea the government is responsible for the protection of society. Hammurabi’s Code would serve as a model for future law

13 Nile River Valley Located on the Nile River in Egypt
Relied on the yearly flooding of the Nile river for farming Deserts protected the River Valley from invasions


15 Kingdoms King Menes is the first to unite the upper and lower Nile civilizations Ruled by Pharaohs who were seen as God-Kings (Theocracy) The Middle Kingdom is “classical Egypt” The New Kingdom ends in civil war and invasion by surrounding powers

16 Egypt’s Culture and Technology
Develop the writing system of hieroglyphics Developed the pyramids, papyrus, and a calendar. Used mummification to preserve the body of the dead


18 Indus River Valley Located along the Indus and Ganges River
Had to withstand winter and spring monsoons. Had well-developed cities of oven-baked bricks. Laid out on a grid-like system

19 Indus Valley Decline Due to deforestation and Natural disasters Less is known of the Harrappan Civilization because writing is still not deciphered Aryans Group of Indo-Europeans Move in and take over the Harrappan Civilization Introduce the Caste System


21 Yellow and Yangtze River Valley
Located in East Asia along the Huang He River Governed by warrior Kings One of the earliest Feudal societies Men dominated society (Patriarchal) Mandate of Heaven-Rulers were appointed by God

22 Dynastic Cycle Rise, Decline, Fall, and Replacing of Dynasties
Xia Dynasty Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Period of Warring States

23 Culture Religion Family Worshiped Ancestors
Wrote to Ancestors and Gods on Oracle Bones Family Controlled by eldest male Respect for elders


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