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Connotative and Denotative Words

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Presentation on theme: "Connotative and Denotative Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connotative and Denotative Words
How to tell the difference

2 Definitions Denotative Definition
dictionary meaning, objective definition, no opinion, tells what something is Connotative Definition subjective meaning of a word or phrase based on personal experiences and beliefs

3 Examples Gaze, Look steadily, Stare=look at someone or something (denotative) Positive: Gaze (connotative) Neutral: look steadily Negative: Stare (connotative) Fragrance, Odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve=a lingering quality Positive: Fragrance Neutral: A smell Negative: Odor

4 More Connotative Examples:
A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly face. A dove implies peace or gentility. Home suggests family, comfort and security. Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and insincerity while statesperson connotes sincerity.

5 More Connotative Examples:
Pushy refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating. Mom and Dad when used in place of mother and father connote loving parents. A fox can refer to someone who is sneaky, sly or smart.

6 Connotative meaning is the emotional meaning of a word (cultural).
To Recap Connotative meaning is the emotional meaning of a word (cultural). Denotative meaning is the real definition of the word (dictionary).

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