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DEMOCRACY Social 30-1.

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1 DEMOCRACY Social 30-1

2 Definition A state ruled by the consent of its citizens(the people)
Greek words demos - people kratein - to rule

3 Pure Democracy All people rule in all aspects

4 Representative Democracy
A state in which the legislative powers are delegated by qualified voters to their representative in a legislative body, such as parliament, senate, or congress

5 Why is Democracy difficult to define?
1. Variants - so many forms 2. Evolution - always changing

6 Doctrine of Democracy 1. Recognize basic equality of man
2. Equal opportunity 3. Emphasis on the individual the person comes before the state

7 4. Government is the servant of the people
local gov’t is stressed over national gov’t voluntary actions over decreed action

8 5. Guided by reason and experience
Why? Because democracy offers free access to information

9 6. Based on rule by law citizens may do everything that is not prohibited by law you cannot be punished against an act that has no penalty gov’t officers can only do what the law limits law must be in harmony with other laws

10 7. Based on majority rule principle but respects minority rights
justification of majority rule? - says the majority are right and the minority are wrong

11 8. Democratic doctrine must encompass all aspects of human affairs
human-social-political-religious life must be a continuity

12 Justification for Democracy
1. People should have freedom of speech, religion etc... 2. Is sensitive and responsive to the will of the people 3. Has a peaceful means of changing leadership - voting

13 4. Permits maximum individual freedom and encourages creativity and achievement

14 Types: I. Pure or Direct Democracy all people rule all aspects
no one person can make a decision concerning the entire society

15 Factors: 1. Need a small pop 2. Decisions need to be simple and few 3. have a common outlook, language, and religion 4. Must have a majority decision with provisions to protect the minority

16 5. All people are equal 6. All equally knowledgeable

17 II. Indirect or Representative Democracy
techniques: 1. Rep. by population 2. Periodic elections 3. Secret ballot 4. Independent courts

18 5. Power of the purse - rep. Have last say over collection and distribution of funds
6. Political parties 7. Interest groups 8. Free press

19 Direct the people------>discuss >laws

20 Representative Dem. people------>elected rep.------->laws
election discuss people------>elected rep >laws discussion

21 Drawbacks(limitations) of Democracy
1. Tyranny of the majority minority is deprived of its right due to the majority rule 2. Inefficiency technology has progressed too fast for democracy M.P’s are poorly equipped to handle the increasing size and complexity of gov’t activities

22 Too slow and inefficient to meet the demands of the rapidly changing world
3. Elite groups in western democracy the minority usually consists of wealthy citizens who have the time, influence and money to ensure their needs are met

23 4. The uninterested electorate
Other groups are lobbyists and pressure groups put a political strain on gov’t to get satisfaction 4. The uninterested electorate citizens are more concerned with other things gov’t issues are often too complicated

24 Pluralism: the competition between different interest groups allows people to exert greater control over decisions in gov’t

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