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DO NOW! How can we know if our economy is strong or weak?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW! How can we know if our economy is strong or weak?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW! How can we know if our economy is strong or weak?

2 GDP: Gross Domestic Product
How do we measure the strength of our economy?

3 Definition GDP (Gross Domestic Product): The dollar amount of all final goods and services produced in a country. =Total produced x market value

4 What things are included? (remember: MADE IN AMERICA!)

5 What’s NOT counted (BAND)
Black market (babysit, illegal) Abroad (made outside of USA) Nonproduction transactions Transfer payments, gifts, stocks Nonmarket production: fix own car Double Counting - intermediate goods→tires on new car, cotton in shirts - secondhand sales (used)

6 Included or not? A newly built house? A cell phone bought on Ebay?
Tires for a new car? A Barbie doll made in China? A Japanese Car made in US? A lawyer’s services? Construction I do on my home Rent on an apartment?

7 Do Now!!! ☺ What different groups or organizations buy goods and services made the United States?

8 How do we measure GDP? * Measure through Spending!
Consumer (C): you and me Investment (I): businesses Government (G): school Net Exports (X-M): exp. – imp. → GDP = C + I + G + Xn (X-M)

9 Examples: Consumer: I buy shirts from Gap Investment: UPS buys new van
*Inventory, construction, housing Government: Army buys missiles *Note: Welfare/Soc Sec=NOT G. Net Exports: Japan buys a US made car (Xn up)

10 DO NOW Let’s find out how much you supported US GDP last week!
Write all final goods + services you bought last weekend that would go toward US GDP! (Don’t include items that don’t go toward US GDP)

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