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How To Survive In The Woods

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1 How To Survive In The Woods
By: Sean Farmer

2 1 .A Satellite Phone My first item is a satllite phone .I chose this because incase of Emgencey I can call a rescue team for me. Brian could use this item on page 12 when the plane was going down and he couldn’t call for help.

3 2.Energy Bars In case I am starving I can eat one and it will fill me up and give me energy. Brian needed to eat something edible on page 21. Incase I am somewhere for a long time they will not spoil.

4 3.Survival Knife If I confront an animal (a dangerous one) I need to defend myself. I can make numerous weapons to defend myself. On page 29 he could have speared the skunk and avoided 2 hours of blindness (and have a wonderful feast).

5 4.Compass In case I ever end up in a situation like Brian I can head any direction I want and find civilization. On page16 Brian didn’t know what the controls meant but he new how to steer the plane into the direction he would.

6 5.maps This will go along great with my previous item. Brian would use it when the plane crashed. Brian didn’t know where he was so he’d know if he had a map in his bag.

7 7.A Fishing Tackle Box I would need a Tackle Box so if I couldn’t catch anything else I could go fishing. Brian could use this on page110. That is why I would have this item.

8 8.A Sleeping Bag I could use this item to keep bugs away and be warm. Brian could use this item when he is cold in the night.

9 9.A Survival Book I would use this item to Identify rocks, berries, plants and Brian could use this to identify everything. When Brian ate the gut cherries he didn’t know what they were.

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