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Introduction to Linux Commands

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1 Introduction to Linux Commands

2 Shells Create processes that execute user commands. bash sh csh tcsh

3 Commands Typically, programs. Format:
$ command [command-options(s)] arguments … Some commands options have their own arguments. Ex. ls –l *.dat fgrep –i foot f1.dat f2.dat f3.dat Help is available. man ls

4 Categories Files/file system Processes Networking Program development

5 Files/file system cat cd chmod cp fgrep find gzip/gunzip head ls mkdir
more mv od pwd rm tail tar wc

6 Processes & ctrl-z, bg, fg kill nice, renice ps top

7 Networking ftp hostname ping ssh traceroute

8 Program development g++ gdb gprof make sccs, cvs talk vi

9 Misc. date echo exit history man sort which who whoami

10 Pipes and I/O redirection
Programs (including commands) typically read from stdin (typically the keyboard) and write to stdout (typically the screen/window).

11 Input redirection Input redirection is used to make input come from a file. sort 12 1 19 ctrl-d sort < sort

12 Output redirection Output redirection is used to make output go to a file. sort sort >

13 Pipes Chain the output of one program to the input of another. Ex.
fgrep –i xray f1.dat … fn.dat | more ls -l | fgrep –i chest | fgrep –i xray > results.txt

14 Windows Windows has a rudimentary shell called the command prompt.
It supports pipes and I/O redirection as well (using the exact same characters: |, <, and >).

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