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Cornell Notes.

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1 Cornell Notes

2 Cornell Notes

3 Political, Social, & Economic
Systems Political, Social, & Economic

4 System a set of interacting or interdependent components forming relationships as an integrated whole.

5 Systems have… Structure (components or parts) Behavior
Interconnected relationships Functions or groups of functions

6 Solar System

7 Nervous System

8 Subway System

9 Caste System

10 Political Systems the members of a social organization who hold power, make decisions, and support a form of government.

11 Examples of Political systems
Republic (representative) Direct Democracy (the people) Autocracy (one person) Plutocracy (wealthy) Oligarchy (few people) Theocracy (deity, priests rule in the name of God)

12 US Political System

13 Political Word Splash Government Leaders Ideology Law
Crime & Punishment Events Self-government Institutions People Voting Representative Colony State assembly

14 Social Systems “Socio-Cultural” system
The development, organization, and functioning parts of human society and culture.

15 Culture The behavior and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Language Religion Food Traditions Identity


17 Social Word Splash Urban Marriage Rural Family Culture Education
Citizenship Religion Environment Marriage Family Education Class Structure Race Ethnicity Gender

18 Economic System Deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a particular society. “What to produce?” “How to produce it?” “Who gets what is produced?”

19 Capitalism An economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. (No government intervention.)

20 Socialism An economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (Some government intervention)

21 Communism A society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Full government intervention.

22 Economic Word Splash Jobs Income Money Business Trade Supply / Demand
Goods / Services Banks Markets Production Consumption Land Natural resources Profit

23 Word Splash 1. Draw a rectangle on a new blank page of your notebook.
2. Choose one of the Systems we took notes on: Political, Social, or Economic. Write that word in the middle of your rectangle. 3. Scatter the remaining words within the rectangle. 4. Choose four of those words and write a sentence for each explaining its relationship to the word in the center.

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