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Catastrophic Event Name

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Presentation on theme: "Catastrophic Event Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catastrophic Event Name

2 Catastrophic Event Name
Delete this typing and put a cool picture of your catastrophic event here.

3 What is [EVENT NAME]? Describe what your event is.

4 What causes the event?

5 What causes the event? Erase this typing and put a diagram that shows how this event is caused.

6 How common is [EVENT] in the world?
How often does your event happen in the world every year?

7 How common is [EVENT] in the United States?
How often does your event happen in the United States every year?

8 How common is [EVENT] in Texas?
How often does your event happen in Texas every year?

9 How do scientists measure how much damage the event causes?
Is there a scale that scientists use? Is it measured by damage or wind speed or something similar?

10 What type of damage is caused?
Describe the type of damage this catastrophic event causes.

11 What type of damage is caused?
Erase this typing and put in pictures that show the damage caused by this catastrophic event.

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