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Presentation on theme: "Back to menu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to menu

2 Final jeopardy question
Multiplication Division Reducing Money Time Fractions 10 20 30 40

3 10 23X 3 = What is 69?

4 20 78 X 9 = What is 702?

5 30 45 X 5 = What is 225?

6 40 123 X 3 = What is 369?

7 10 144 divided by 12 What is 12?

8 20 145 divided by 5 What is 29?

9 30 365 divided by 3 What is 121 with a remainder of 2?

10 40 678 divided by 4 What is 169 with a remainder of 2?

11 10 Reduce the fraction 5/10 What is 1/5?

12 20 Reduce the fraction 25/75 What is 1/3?

13 30 Reduce the fraction 12/144 What is 1/12?

14 40 Reduce the fraction 9/81. What is 1/9?

15 10 Patty goes to the school fall festival and buys two suckers. One for 73 cents and the other for 28 cents. Find the total. What is $1.01?

16 20 The grocery store is having a special on oranges. If you buy three they are 57 cents a piece. Find the total for the cost of three oranges. What is $1.71?

17 30 If you have 4 quarters, 10 dimes, and five nickels what would the total be? What is $2.25?

18 40 A candy shop is selling chocolate chip cookies for 3.50 a pound. Find the cost of 3 pounds of cookies. What is 10.50?

19 10 You leave your house at 10:45 AM to catch a flight at the airport at 1:00PM. How much time will you have to be at the airport to catch your plane. What is 2 hours and 15 minutes?

20 20 You arrive at school at 7:30AM for class. Your school day does not end until 3:15PM. How long are you in school? What is 7 hours and 45 minutes?

21 30 When you leave your house at 3:50 PM, your mom tells you to be back by 7:00PM. How long can you be gone from home? What is 3 hours and 10 minutes?

22 40 What is 9:30Pm?) There are two buses leaving town
for New York City at different times of the day. One leaves at 10:00AM and the other at 11:30AM. It will take 10 hours to arrive by bus. If you leave at 11:30AM what time will it be in New York City when you arrive? What is 9:30Pm?)

23 Final Jeopardy Question
At the mall you decide to shop for a new outfit. The shirt you picked out cost $25.00 and the pants cost $ Your mom only gave you $45.00 to spend. How much more money will you need to buy the outfit you want. Time is up! What is $10.00?

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