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Assessment Day Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Day Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Day Strategy
Outcomes Evidence Collection Evaluation Application 1 2 3 4 5

2 1 Outcomes What should students know and/or be able to do as a result of their experiences in this program?

3 2 Evidence What is the evidence of student learning and skills? What will allow you and your colleagues to know the degree to which your students have achieved the outcomes?

4 3 Collection From where will your collect your evidence or artifacts? To effectively measure program outcomes, the artifacts should represent multiple and progressive points of learning over time.

5 4 Evaluation What will you use to evaluate your artifacts. Does your program have a rubric or are their other custom measures that will assist with learning about student achievement?

6 5 Application How do the achievement findings inform your teaching and/or program practices? What is working? What needs to be changed? What ideas do you have that may improve student achievement? How will those ideas be implemented?

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