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Absolutism Ch 7 Section 3-4.

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1 Absolutism Ch 7 Section 3-4

2 Absolutism Absolutism – a system in which a ruler holds total power
Divine right of kings Increase the power of the monarch in response to the turmoil in Europe King Louis XIV of France is the best example of absolutism

3 King Louis XIV 1643 – Came to the throne at the age of 4
Cardinal Mazarin – the chief minister – took control of the govt. until Louis XIV grew up Mazarin dies in 1661 – Louis XIV comes to power at the age of 23 Louis XIV expresses his desire to be the sole ruler of France Absolute power!! He b/c known as the Sun King – the source of light for all of his people

4 Louis Keeps Control Louis XIV palace was called Versailles
Versailles served several purposes… The personal household of the king The chief offices of the state – so Louis XIV could watch over them A place where Louis XIV could bring powerful nobles and royal princes to keep them busy with court life and out of politics 1715 – King Louis XIV died He left France w/ great debt and many enemies

5 Russia’s Ruler 16th Century – Ivan IV b/c the first ruler to take the title of czar – Russian word for Caesar Ivan IV… Expanded territories for Russia Absolutism – crushed the power of Russian nobility Known as Ivan the Terrible b/c of his ruthless deeds

6 A New Czar 1598 – Ivan’s dynasty ends and bring a period of anarchy (chaos) Time of Troubles – lack of formal govt. In 1613 Michael Romanov was chosen to be the new czar The Romanov dynasty lasted until 1917

7 Peter the Great 1689 – Peter the Great b/c czar
Part of the Romanov dynasty An absolute monarch – claimed the divine right to rule Under Peter the Great Russia b/c… A great military power Westernized (Europeanized) Upper class women stopped covering their faces and b/g to mingle in society

8 Mannerism Mannerism – art that reflected the new environment brought on by the Reformation’s revival of religious values Brings an end to Renaissance art Rules of proportion were deliberately ignored Elongated figures were used to show suffering, heightened emotions, and religious ecstasy

9 The Baroque Period The Baroque mvmt replaced Mannerism
Baroque artist tried to bring together… Classical ideals of Renaissance art w/ the spiritual feelings of the Reformation Baroque was known for… Use of dramatic effects to arouse emotions

10 Elizabethan Literature
Literature mvmt that took place in England Called the Elizabethan Era b/c it took place w/i the reign of Queen Elizabeth William Shakespeare Wrote dramas for the stage Viewed as a universal genius Remarkable understanding of the human condition

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