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2 1. Vitriolic (VI tree OL ik) adj. full of bitterness; harsh, caustic
After the student failed the class, she spread vitriolic rumors about her teacher. The girl’s vitriolic comments about everyone started to cause her to lose friends.

3 2. Magnanimous (mag NAN i mus) adj
2. Magnanimous (mag NAN i mus) adj. forgiving; too noble for meanness and revenge Even though her best friend stole her boyfriend, she was too magnanimous to end their 20-year friendship. The magnanimous couple remained friends even after their divorce.

4 3. Amoral (a MOR ul) adj. without a sense of right and wrong
With a quick rise to fame at such a young age, Justin Bieber is exhibiting amoral behavior with his many brushes with the law.

5 4. Vilify (VIL uh FYE ) v. to put down; to speak ill of
Many celebrities have been vilified in the tabloids. During the divorce trial, the husband vilified his wife to make her seem like a bad mother.

6 5. Verisimilitude (VER uh si MIL i TOOD) n
5. Verisimilitude (VER uh si MIL i TOOD) n. looking just like the real thing; similarity to the truth The action movie lacked verisimilitude because of the impossible stunts. The verisimilitude of the novel 1984 proved to be ahead of its time in terms of how the government can watch its citizens.

7 6. Penchant (PEN chunt) n. strong taste, liking, or inclination
Many teenagers have a penchant for video games. Her penchant for traveling allowed her to see many new places and experience new things.

8 7. Megalomania (MEG uh lo MAY nee uh) n
7. Megalomania (MEG uh lo MAY nee uh) n. a mental delusion of personal greatness Macbeth’s megalomania caused him to think he could kill King Duncan and get away with it. Her megalomania hit a new level when she thought she could pass the class without doing any work.

9 8. Callow (KAL oh) adj. immature; naive
I made a lot of mistakes in my callow youth. Try not to be too callow when listening to adults’ advice. They may know more than you.

10 9. Affectation (af ek TAY shun) n. fake behavior
His affectation for art was only to impress the girl who was an art major. She displayed an affectation of wealth by spending all her money on designer clothes.

11 10. De facto (dee FAK toh) adj. in fact; reality
Although the school was said to be open to all qualified students, it still practiced de facto segregation. "The difference between de jure and de facto segregation is the difference open, forthright bigotry and the shamefaced kind that works through unwritten agreements between real estate dealers, school officials, and local politicians." -Shirley Chisholm (the first black woman to serve in Congress -NY)

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