Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion of Soviet Union

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1 Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion of Soviet Union

2 Reasons for Invading More land for Germany
Control oil fields of Azerbaijan Destroy Communism Get rid of “racially inferior” people



5 Invasion Plans Hitler organizes an invasion force of 4 million (3 million Germans) Hitler would attack along a 1000 mile long front Invasion begins June 22nd 1941

6 Invasion Germans invade deep into Soviet territory
Stalin had killed many of his generals Stalin orders a scorched-earth policy July 3rd Stalin moves gov’t & industry to the east

7 Soviet Soldiers Outside Moscow

8 The German advance is brought to a halt in October
Hitler falls short of Moscow by about 10 miles Hitler surrounds Leningrad and this will turn into a 900 day siege (nothing gets in or out)


10 Stalingrad Hitler reaches the Volga River August 23rd, 1942
Germany opens an all-out assault Stalin had just announced Order 227 (any kind of retreat can result in military tribunal)


12 Stalingrad is bombed by 1,000 planes at a time
Germany will eventually run low on all supplies and be surrounded By February 2nd, 1943, Germans surrender at Stalingrad

13 About 800,000 German casualties
About 1.1 million Soviet casualties After Stalingrad, the Soviets will go on the offensive and push the Germans back to the west



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