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Unit: Social Psychology

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1 Unit: Social Psychology
Essential Task: Describe the structure and function of different kinds of group behavior with specific attention to group polarization and group think  Logo Green is R=8 G=138 B= Blue is R= 0 G=110 B=184 Border Grey is R=74 G=69 B=64

2 Social Psychology Conformity Compliance Schema Attraction
Unit 12: Social Psychology Attribution Attitudes and Persuasion Impact of Others on You Group Behavior Fundamental Attribution Error Self-Serving Bias Just-World Hypothesis Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Culture Schema Conformity Compliance Group Polarization Group Think In-Group/Out-Group Attraction Cognitive Dissonance Routes to Persuasion We are here

3 Candy Bar Your Group needs to develop a totally new flavor of candy bar. Cannot use any flavors already developed. Explain why you think your candy bar’s flavor will be successful. Develop a slogan Draw a packaging.

4 Groupthink Think about how you feel about abortion.
Think about how you feel church and state. Think about how you feel about guns. Think about how you feel about xenophobia.

5 Groupthink A mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides the realistic appraisal of alternatives. Attack on Pearl Harbor Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis Watergate Cover-up Chernobyl Reactor Accident

6 Groupthink Groupthink- syndrome of bad decision-making 12.17 4 12 13

7 Group Polarization Group Polarization- tendency to shift toward more extreme positions after group discussion It occurs because: social comparison- “everyone else is holding ‘better’ view” informational influence- “I never considered that” normative influence- “I should shift with the group norm” social decision schemes- “majority rules” Risky Cautious Neutral

8 Effects of Group Interaction
Group Polarization enhances a group’s prevailing attitudes through a discussion. If a group is like-minded, discussion strengthens its prevailing opinions and attitudes. OBJECTIVE 11| Discuss how group interaction can facilitate group polarization and groupthink.

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