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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW OF SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING (SDB)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Some Pertinent Questions
Do you snore while you sleep? Is it your nature to just snore? Are you a light sleeper? Who has ever fallen asleep while driving? You cannot stay without falling asleep during meetings! Whose child has a behavioural problem or coping poorly in school? Whose blood pressure/blood glucose level remains high despite adequate and good adherence to therapy?

3 Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)
Sleep disorders that involve difficulty in breathing during sleep are classified as sleep related breathing disorders Types: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) Central Sleep Apnoea Others

4 What is sleep apnea? "Apnea" literally means "no breath" or "stopping breathing" Obstructive sleep apnea - is a clinical disorder marked by frequent pauses in breathing during sleep usually accompanied by loud snoring Central sleep apnea - a group of sleep-related breathing disorders in which respiratory effort is diminished or absent in an intermittent or cyclical fashion during sleep

5 Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
OSA is a major public health issue Prevalence is increasing due to obesity pandemic and aging population Is not a life-threatening condition in itself But it can result in serious problems such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases OSA can impact on the quality of life But can be easily managed

6 How Common is Sleep Apnea?
Overall population prevalence ranged from 9% to 38% (higher in men) It increases with increasing age In some elderly groups, it is as high as 90% in men and 78% in women Many people have sleep apnea, but may not even know it So it's more common than you might think

7 Does it affect children?

8 YES! Paediatric obstructive sleep apnea - is a sleep disorder in which your child's breathing is partially or completely blocked repeatedly during sleep Due to narrowing or blockage of the upper airway during sleep

9 Sleep Apnea - Symptoms & Risk Factors
Snoring. ... Frequent breaks or pauses in breathing. ... You're Tired all the Time. ... You frequently wake with headaches. ... You Have High Blood Pressure. ... You are overweight or obese. ... You are often irritable, depressed, or experience mood swings

10 Other symptoms of sleep apnea include
Choking or gasping sounds Daytime sleepiness or fatigue Unrefreshing sleep Insomnia Morning headaches Nocturia (waking during the night to go to the bathroom) Difficulty concentrating Memory loss Decreased sexual desire

11 Common risk factors for sleep apnea include
Excess weight  Large neck size  Middle age Male gender Hypertension  Family history

12 Breaking News

13 Sleep apnea can occur in slim people too!

14 Sleep Apnea - Risk Factors
In adults, certain physical features or body types can make a person more likely to have sleep apnea Small lower jaw A prominent overbite A short, large neck Nasal breathing obstruction Very crowded teeth → smaller air passage at the back of the throat

15 Sleep Apnea Screening Have you been told that you snore loudly on most nights? Yes   No   Not Sure Have you been told (or noticed on your own) that you stop breathing or struggle to breathe in your sleep? Are you tired, fatigued or sleepy on most days? Do you have acid reflux or high blood pressure (or use medicines to treat either of these conditions?) Are you overweight?

16 Please Remember! That questionnaires are screening tools only and cannot replace a thorough history and physical or objective sleep laboratory evaluation

17 Sleep Apnea - Treatment
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Oral Appliance Therapy Surgery Weight Management Positional Therapy Lifestyle Changes (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, quitting smoking, no alcohol use)

18 FOR CLEARITY SAKE! Sleep related groaning, also called catathrenia, causes you to groan vocally while you sleep The cause of sleep related groaning is not known It is not related to any problem with breathing There is also no abnormal brain activity involved A physical exam tends to show no related medical cause There also does not appear to be any link to mental disorders

19 THE SLEEP TEAM Dental Sleep Expert E.N.T Surgeon
Paediatric Sleep Physician Sleep Nurse Sleep Respiratory Therapist Adult Sleep Physician (Pulmonologist, Neurologist, Psychiatrist)

20 Some Pertinent Questions
Do you snore while you sleep? Is it your nature to just snore? Are you a light sleeper? Who has ever fallen asleep while driving? You cannot stay without falling asleep during meetings! Whose child has a behavioral problem or coping poorly in school Whose blood pressure/blood glucose level remains high despite adequate and good adherence to therapy?

21 Thank you for listening…


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