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Lecture 6 Slides rh.

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1 Lecture 6 Slides rh

2 Warburg Effect Otto Heinrich Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize in Medicine
the Warburg effect is the observation that most cancer cells predominantly produce energy by a high rate of glycolysis followed by lactic acid fermentation in the cytosol Otto Heinrich Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize in Medicine

3 Warburg Effect

4 Getting other sugars into the glycolytic pathway fig 14-10

5 A second route for fructose (in liver)
pg 545

6 Now what? fig 14-1


8 Now what? fig 14-1

9 Now what? Fermentation: anaerobic metabolism of glucose
without oxidation... fig 14-1

10 LDH converts pyruvate to lactate, restoring the pool of NAD+
pg 547

11 LDH converts pyruvate to lactate, restoring the pool of NAD+
pg 547

12 ethanol production: another NAD+ restoration strategy
pg 547

13 Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP): an activated carbon
fig 14-14

14 Thiamine pyrophosphate in ethanol production
fig 14-14

15 TPP as a carbanion nucleophile in pyruvate metabolism fig 14-14

16 nucleophile in pyruvate metabolism
TPP as a carbanion nucleophile in pyruvate metabolism fig 14-14

17 nucleophile in pyruvate metabolism
TPP as a carbanion nucleophile in pyruvate metabolism fig 14-14

18 TPP-mediated enzymatic reactions
TPP is all about carbonyl activation table 14-1

19 The glycolysis energy landscape
(pyruvate set to 0)

20 hexokinse (and glucokinse)
Regulated glycolytic enzymes hexokinse (and glucokinse) regulated by G6P allosterically liver isozyme is glucokinase, different phosphofructokinase (PFK-1) pyruvate kinase regulated by ATP, citrate, and fatty acids

21 The glycolysis energy landscape
(pyruvate set to 0)

22 regulation of hexokinase: isozymes can differ
fig 15-12

23 PFK-1 : a right fancy enzyme! fig 15-14

24 PFK-1: allosteric regulation by ATP, etc…
fig 15-14

25 PFK-1: allosteric regulation by ADP, etc…

26 PFK-1 has multiple allosteric regulators
fig 15-14

27 Our book’s notation for regulators
inhibition activation fig 15-14

28 PFK-1 has multiple allosteric regulators
fig 15-14

29 Pentose phosphate pathway oxidative reactions Glucose as a source of
other stuff fig 14-21

30 Pentose phosphate pathway oxidative reactions fig 14-21

31 Pentose phosphate pathway oxidative reactions fig 14-21

32 Pentose phosphate pathway oxidative reactions fig 14-21

33 Pentose phosphate pathway: non-oxidative rxns
all movement of carbonyl groups to and fro… fig 14-22

34 Pentose phosphate pathway: non- oxidative reactions 2C 3C 2C 2C 2C 3C
fig 14-22 end of lecture 6

35 LDH converts pyruvate to lactate, restoring the pool of NAD+ pg 547

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