Critically Thinking Animal Welfare

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Presentation on theme: "Critically Thinking Animal Welfare"— Presentation transcript:

1 Critically Thinking Animal Welfare

2 20 Years ago we had one choice at the grocery store
…now we have more... WHY?

3 How can the welfare of laying hens be measured?

4 How can you choose the BEST in these circumstances?
The best basketball team in a tournament. The largest house lot in a subdivision. The highest score on a test. The team that scores the most points in the tournament. Add up the total score for each student in the class, then find the highest number. Measure the lots, calculate square footage or acreage, and identify the largest.

5 What is similar in each of these scenarios?
The best basketball team in a tournament. The largest house lot in a subdivision. The highest score on a test. They can be measured.

6 How can the welfare of laying hens be measured?
Objective: Representing facts; not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. Subjective: Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

7 A 3-year study was conducted comparing three hen housing systems
Source: Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply Final Research Results

8 Research included 3 systems:
Source: Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply Final Research Results

9 After research was completed in all 5 areas, results were compared to standard conventional cages:
If it was worse than conventional cages, it received a negative impact score. If it was better than conventional cages, it received a positive impact score. Source: Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply Final Research Results

10 Cage-free aviary had a higher mortality rate.
For example: Mortality = rate of death Enriched Colony cages had a similar mortality rate of conventional cages Cage-free aviary had a higher mortality rate. Source: Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply Final Research Results

11 For example: Behavior= The hen’s ability to exhibit behaviors such as perching, nesting, and dust bathing. Both Cage-free Aviary and Enriched Colony cages scored better than conventional cages for natural behavior. Source: Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply Final Research Results

12 What are the best farming practices for the production of eggs?
Critical Thinking The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement What are the best farming practices for the production of eggs?

13 If yes, what evidence confirmed your claim?
After completing the Evidence and Reasoning stage, was your claim correct? If no, what evidence corrected your misconception?

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