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What type of site was involved? How did employment change?

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Presentation on theme: "What type of site was involved? How did employment change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objective: To be able to examine the impacts of changing employment

2 What type of site was involved? How did employment change?
For each photo: Where/ what is it? What change occurred? What type of site was involved? How did employment change? 1 2

3 Glasgow dockyard lies empty. It is a victim of deindustrialisation.
What does deindustrialisation mean?

4 The decline of shipbuilding in Glasgow led to a decline in steel making (as steel wasn’t needed any longer). This then had an effect on coal mining because…….? In a similar way to Birmingham, there were serious social impacts. Due to problems such as family breakdown, alcoholism and crime, the area developed a poor reputation, which put off new investors.

5 The Cycle of Decline No New Investment People lose Jobs
Market Declines Industries Close Poor Image puts off new investors Less money spent in local shops and services Increased business closure and derelict land Local Economy Declines No New Investment People lose Jobs

6 What might be Positive Impacts of Deindustrialisation?

7 One of Glasgow’s main problems was that all of its main industries were linked.
A programme of diversification has now taken place. Scottish, UK and EU grants (funding) have been used to kick start the process. Why do you think government funding was needed in the first place?

8 Arts, culture and tourism Mixed-Use Developments
The new BBC Headquarters for Scotland’s TV and radio broadcasting opened in Commercial broadcaster STV is also located nearby Arts, culture and tourism Investment from private property developers has led to the development of riverside flats along the River Clyde, together with shops and restaurants Glasgow has a wealth of architecture from famous architects such as Rennie Mackintosh. The Burrell Collection has been created to hold an internationally famous art collection. Investment has also brought the Riverside Museum of Travel and Transport Media Mixed-Use Developments

9 On balance, is deindustrialisation in the 1980s a price worth paying for the improved environment and employment opportunities in Glasgow now? Justify your opinion using your knowledge.

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