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Diamante Poems.

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1 Diamante Poems

2 94 Poetry: Diamante 4/18 95 Poetry: Diamante 4/18
Goal: To express your creativity by writing diamante poems. Write as many diamante poems as time allows. Illustrate them. 94 Poetry: Diamante 4/18 95 Poetry: Diamante 4/18 Essential Skill: Collaborating toward a creative outcome.

3 Singing, dancing, shouting Mesmerizing the adoring audience
Diamante The Italian word for diamond. This form takes the shape of a diamond when it is completed. There are two patterns to choose from – both of which must be viewed visually to appreciate. Pattern 1 develops one topic. Pattern 2 starts out with one theme and in the middle begins to move toward an opposite theme. Star Famous, successful, Singing, dancing, shouting Mesmerizing the adoring audience Performing, working, reaching Frenzied, dazzling Showman

4 Pattern 1: Line 1 – Choose a topic (noun) Line 2 – Use two describing words (adjectives) Line 3 – Use three participles ending in “ing” Line 4 – Use a four-word phrase capturing some feeling about the topic Line 5 – Use three participles ending in “ing” Line 6 – Use two describing words (adjectives) Line 7 – Use a synonym as an ending word (noun, strong word) Star Famous, successful, Singing, dancing, shouting Mesmerizing the adoring audience Performing, working, reaching Frenzied, dazzling Showman On page 94, brainstorm a list of possible topics and then try to write 1-4 diamante poems for pattern 1.

5 Diamante: Pattern 2 Line 1 – Choose a noun as your title and an antonym for the ending of your poem Line 2 – Use two adjectives Line 3 – Use three participles ending in “ing” words to describe the title Line 4 – Use two words to express the title noun – then two words to express the opposite ending noun. The theme changes in this line! Line 5 – Choose three participles ending in "ing" to describe the ending noun Line 6 – Use two adjectives to describe the ending noun Line 7 – Use one word – the antonym (opposite) you decided upon in line 1 Loser Careless, wimpy Whining, complaining, stumbling Shy, timid – confident, courageous Stretching, achieving, succeeding Hardworking, determined Winner On page 95, brainstorm a list of possible topics and then try to write 1-4 diamante poems for pattern 2

6 Pattern 2 Example Health Food natural, low-calorie
nourishing, strengthening, boring kale, kimchi, chips, chocolate tantalizing, satisfying, fattening salty, sweet Junk Food

7 spinning, shifting, living shores, oceans, horizons, heavens
Pattern 2 Example Earth magnificent, finite spinning, shifting, living shores, oceans, horizons, heavens beaming, reflecting, inspiring celestial, infinite Sky

8 Warming, burning, shining Day, bright, night, crescent
Pattern 2 Example: Sun Golden, glorious Warming, burning, shining Day, bright, night, crescent Illuminating, shimmering, orbiting Silvery, shadowy Moon

9 Shopping, spending, buying Buses, planes, bicycles, trains
Pattern 2 Example: City Rich, posh Shopping, spending, buying Buses, planes, bicycles, trains Chirping, lazing, sleeping Peaceful, fresh Country

10 Glowing, shining, revealing Mirror, candle . . . Whisper, shadow
Pattern 2 Example Light Clear, brilliant Glowing, shining, revealing Mirror, candle Whisper, shadow Deepening, sleeping, shrouding Black, quiet Darkness

11 Haikus

12 Haiku Haiku is a Japanese verse in three lines.
In the most common form of haiku here are 17 syllables Line 1 is 5 syllables Line 2 is 7 syllables Line 3 is 5 syllables Haikus are usually written about nature. Their purpose is to create mood, a feeling in the reader. There is no rhyme and there are no metaphors or similes.

13 If not for the cat and the scarcity of cheese I could be content.

14 The young artist takes pains to paint a masterpiece: A smiling pumpkin.

15 Drooping green branches
weighted down with heavy snow waiting for the spring

16 What if your computer wrote error messages in haiku?
Static, then silence. The thousand dollar blue screen dies so peacefully.

17 “Your Mac crashed again,”
screams the rainbow Wheel of Death. “No one hears your cries.”

18 Haiku /19 Fill page 96 with haikus. Write as many as you can but you must write at least TWO (2). Suggestions: Animal Line 1 is 5 syllables Object Line 2 is 7 syllables famous Person Line 3 is 5 syllables Riddle Seasons Sports Humor / Jokes

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