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Which event was the most significant cause of the Revolution?

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1 Which event was the most significant cause of the Revolution?
Why? Explain.

2 American Revolution Notes
The Road to Independence and Statehood

3 American Revolution Notes
Events Leading to War 1763 French and Indian War leaves Britain with large debt for defending colonies 1764 Sugar Act: tax on sugar, molasses, coffee, indigo, and wine (raise money for Britain) 1765 Stamp Act: requires tax stamp on all printed items and documents Quartering Act: requires colonists to house British soldiers and provide certain supplies 1767 Townshend Acts: tax on glass, lead, paper, paints, and tea 1770 March: Boston Massacre April: Townshend Acts repealed 1772Colonists establish Committees of Correspondence to communicate with other colonies 1773 May: Tea Act (tax on tea) December: Boston Tea Party 1774 First Continental Congress meets; all colonies present except Georgia Sons of Liberty – one such group that was formed to take action to show their discontent with Great Britain

4 American Ideas for Government
1) consent of the governed – government shall rule only so long as its citizens agree 2) representative government (republican) – people elect persons to represent them in making political decisions 3) natural law – government can’t take away natural rights which is given by God or nature (life, liberty, and property) Georgia 1) Coastal Georgia became wealthy from trading with Great Britain 2) Colony not quick to side with Northern colonies Declaration of Independence (written predominately by Thomas Jefferson) 1) All men are created equal (human equality) 2) Everyone is born with certain rights that government can not take away (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness) 3) Government gets its power from the people (consent of the governed) 4) The people can do away with a government they no longer approve of (right of revolution)

5 Georgia’s First Constitution (1777)
1) constitution – a fundamental plan of operation for a government 2) separation of powers – executive, legislative and judicial branches separate from one another 3) unicameral – one house legislature (today Georgia has a bicameral General Assembly) 4) problems A) Most people still loyal to King George III and hoped new government would fail B) Biggest difficulty was fighting the war against Great Britain (money, resources, etc.) American Revolution in Georgia 1) For many years, colonial army tried to capture St. Augustine (British garrison) 2) Slaves fought for British, mostly as spies (British commanders granted freedom, later for whole family) 3) Battle of Kettle Creek (led by Elijah Clarke) A) Patriots needed arms, ammunition, and horses B) Battle won over many undecided Georgians to fight for independence 4) Siege of Savannah – Patriots lost battle, could not retake Savannah from British

6 End of the American Revolution
1) Battle of Yorktown – 1781 2) Treaty of Paris – 1783 3) Establishment of the Articles of Confederation A) Thirteen (13) separate states B) Weak central government C) States had own currency, made separate trade policies with other countries Constitutional Convention 1) Compromises A) Representation in Congress 1. Virginia Plan: representation based upon population 2. New Jersey Plan: all states are equal 3. Connecticut Plan (Great Compromise): two house legislature (bicameral) B) Slavery (3/5 Compromise) – 3/5 of slave population would be counted for representation and taxes C) Trade – Congress had power to tax imports, but not exports 2) Principles of Constitution A) separation of powers B) checks and balances C) Bill of Rights

7 Quick Write – Who led the patriots to victory at the battle of Kettle Creek?
Why is this battle significant to Georgia in regards to winning the Revolution?

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