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Jeopardy Miscellany Experiments Bacteria

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Miscellany Experiments Bacteria"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Miscellany Experiments Bacteria
false knowledge Virus Miscellany 10 20 30 40 50

2 To grow microorganisms in a specially prepared nutrient

3 A series of steps to find the answer to a question.

4 A part of the experiment that is unchanged

5 An idea or question that can be tested

6 A part of an experiment that is changed

7 Where will you probably find bacteria?

8 You can get this illness if you eat Meat infected with bacteria

9 How do bacteria help our bodies function?

10 Bacteria produce this which makes you sick

11 The common name for bacteria that attack other living things

12 A Virus is a living thing

13 Fungi is a plant

14 The Common Cold is caused by a

15 Raw meats should be cooked to 160 degrees in order to kill bacteria.

16 Bacteria are most likely to grow everywhere.

17 True or False a Virus is larger then bacteria

18 an organism that provides energy

19 A disease caused by a virus?

20 Viruses are not this, so they do not have a need for food

21 The virus injects this into healthy cells where new virus cells can grow.

22 describes the most ideal location for microorganisms to live?

23 Who invented Pasteurization

24 What are medicines given to kill bacteria infections called?

25 This organism is neither plant nor animal, but have characteristics of both and absorb food from whatever they are growing on

26 A student went camping in the mountains
A student went camping in the mountains. While he was there he drank water from a clear stream. He later became ill. His doctor told him he had Giardia, a comparatively large unicellular animal-like parasite having a nucleus. Giardia is a:

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