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FRESCA2 - Coils 1+2 scenario

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2 FRESCA2 - Coils 1+2 scenario
E. Rochepault – 11/25/14 5/12/2019 Document reference

3 2D models 2D Ansys Magnetic 2D Ansys Mechanical 3-4: Cu Coils
1-2: Sc Coils 5/12/2019 Document reference

4 Operating point Chosen to produce the same level of forces in coils 1-2 15.5 kA 10.5 T bore field 12.7 T peak field 85 % SS 4.2 K 80 % SS 1.9 K Iss4.2 85% Iss4.2 I0 5/12/2019 Document reference

5 2D magnetic results Lorentz forces 4 coils: Fx1 = 3.37 MN/m
Fy1 = MN/m Fx2 = 4.28 MN/m Fy2 = MN/m 2 coils: Fx1 = 3.86 MN/m Fy1 = MN/m 5/12/2019 Document reference

6 2D mechanical results Contact pressure  Target: -40 MPa min. pressure
4 coils: 600 μm interference 30 MPa bladder pressure* 2 coils: 750 μm interference 37 MPa bladder pressure* *Without using yoke bladders 5/12/2019 Document reference

7 2D mechanical results Horizontal stress Sx in the coil (excitation)
4 coils:  Peak stress = 139 MPa 2 coils:  Peak stress = 118 MPa 5/12/2019 Document reference

8 2D mechanical results Horizontal stress Sx in the coil
Max: 60 112 118 Irreversible degradation values (MPa): 5/12/2019 Document reference

9 Thank you for your attention Any question ?
5/12/2019 Document reference

10 Backup slides 5/12/2019 Document reference

11 2D mechanical results VM stress in the bore tube Yield values [1]:
 Titanium Ti-6Al-4V 345 793 579 Yield values [1]: [1] H. Felice, LBNL 5/12/2019 Document reference

12 2D mechanical results VM stress in the island Yield values [2]:
 Iron, material to be checked (Armco, AISI 1010…?) 203 613 296 Yield values [2]: [2] Matweb, AISI 1010 Cold drawn 5/12/2019 Document reference

13 2D mechanical results VM stress in the horizontal pad
 Stainless steel 316 LN 112 240 305 Yield values [1]: 5/12/2019 Document reference

14 2D mechanical results VM stress in the yoke Yield values [3]:
 Magnetil 208 312 369 Yield values [3]: [3] Production of Low-Carbon Magnetic Steel for the LHC Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets, F. Bertinelli et al., IEEE, 2006 5/12/2019 Document reference

15 2D mechanical results VM stress in the shell Yield values [1]:
 Aluminum AL 7075 85 209 212 Yield values [1]: 5/12/2019 Document reference

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