15. Legendre Functions Legendre Polynomials Orthogonality

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Presentation on theme: "15. Legendre Functions Legendre Polynomials Orthogonality"— Presentation transcript:

1 15. Legendre Functions Legendre Polynomials Orthogonality
Physical Interpretation of Generating Function Associated Legendre Equation Spherical Harmonics Legendre Functions of the Second Kind

2 Schrodinger eq. for a central potential
Associated Legendre eq. Legendre eq. with

3 1. Legendre Polynomials Legendre eq. 
 x = 1 & x =  are regular singular points.

4 Frobenius Series See § 8.3 & Mathematica  Indicial eq. 
series diverges for x2 1 unless terminated Set a1 = 0  a2 j + 1 = 0 s = 0  even order : s = 1  odd order :

5 Generating Function

6 & highest power of x in coeff. of tn is n. Coeff. of xn in Pn(x) = Coeff. of xn tn Coeff. of highest power of x in Pn(x)

7 Summary Power Expansion : Ex

8 Recurrence Relations

9 Table 15.1. Legendre Polynomials

10 & Eliminate x Pn1 term 

11 More Recurrence Relations
Any set of functions satisfying these recurrence relations also satisfy the Legendre ODE. Ex

12 Upper & Lower Bounds for Pn (cos )

13 Coeff. invariant under j   j Coeff. invariant under j   ( j+1)

14 For P2n , x = 1 are global max.
For P2n+1 , x = +1 is a gloabal max, while x = 1 is a gloabal min. Mathematica

15 Rodrigues Formula From § 12.1 : If has self-adjoint form then
Legendre eq. : Self-adjoint form :

16 Coefficient of xn in Pn(x)
Coefficient of xn is :

17 2. Orthogonality is self-adjoint [ w(x) = 1 ]  
Pn(x) are orthogonal polynomials in [ 1, 1 ].

18 Normalization Let via Rodrigues formula : Ex

19 Legendre Series Eigenfunctions of an ODE are complete
 { Pn (x) } is completeness over [1,1] .  For any function f (x) in [1,1] : unique

20 Solutions to Laplace Eq. in Spherical Coordinates
General solution : finite  l = 0,1,2, … Solution with no azimuthal dependence ( m = 0 ) : Solution that is finite inside & outside a boundary sphere :

21 Example 15.2.1 Earth’s Gravitational Field
Gravitational potential U in mass-free region : Neglect azimuthal dependence : Earth’s radius at equator g includes rotational effect Note: Let al dimensionless Earth is a sphere 

22 Slightly distorted Earth with axial symmetry :
CM located at origin  See Mathematica for proof. Experimental data : Data including longitudinal dependence is described by a Laplace series (§15.5).

23 Example 15.2.2 Sphere in a Uniform Field
Grounded conducting sphere (radius r0 ) in uniform applied electric field everywhere  For :

24 Surface charge density :
SI units induced dipole moment Ex Mathematica

25 Example 15.2.3 Electrostatic Potential for a Ring of Charge
Thin, conducting ring of radius a, centered at origin & lying in x-y plane, has total charge q. Outside the ring, Axial symmetry  no  dependence Mathematica For r > a : On z-axis, Coulomb’s law gives :

26 See Eg for magnetic analog.

27 3. Physical Interpretation of Generating Function
Leading term : (point charge) for r > a. for r < a.

28 Expansion of 1 / | r  r | Let : either r or r on z-axis

29 Electric Multipoles Electric dipole : point dipole Leading term :

30 (Linear) Multipoles Let = 2l -pole potential with center of charge at z = r. Mono ( 20 ) -pole : Di ( 21 ) -pole : Quadru ( 22 ) –pole : ( 2l ) –pole : Quadrupole Mathematica

31 Multipole Expansion If all charges are on the z-axis & within the interval [zm , zm ] : for r > zm where is the (linear) 2l –pole moment. For a discrete set of charges qi at z = ai .

32 If one shifts the coord origin to Z.
l is independent of coord, i.e.,  Z iff Multipole expansion for a general (r) are done in terms of the spherical harmonics.

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