Part I.

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1 Part I

Preparation of the legislative proposals under article 16 of the Water Framework Directive. State of play - work plan 2003 By Maria Brättemark, European Commission, DG ENV.B.1 (Water, marine and soil)

3 Water Framework Directive Pollution prevention framework
Background Water Framework Directive Pollution prevention framework Step 1 : 2000/60/EC /2001/EC Step 2 : EQS + EC etc Step 3 : 4 year review (s)

4 Water Framework Directive (WFD)
First step Water Framework Directive (WFD) European Parliament and Council Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 Oct establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy, in particular Article 16 thereof. The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC required the Commission : to establish a list of priority substances Art. 16 (2) to identify the priority hazardous substances Article 16 (3)

5 Priority Substances Decision
First step Priority Substances Decision European Parliament and Council Decision No. 2455/2001/EC of 20 November 2001 establishing the list of priority substances in the field of water policy, and establishing Annex X of the WFD. Official Journal L331/1 of

6 Priority (hazardous) substances list
Council and EP agreed to adopt a first list which includes 33 substances or groups of substances: 11 priority hazardous substances 14 priority substances under review (within one year of adoption) 8 substances not identified as priority hazardous

7 quality standards and emission controls
Second step The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC requires the Commission : to submit proposals for (Articles 16(6 and 7): quality standards and emission controls to consult with Member States, stakeholders and Community institutions and agencies Article 16 (5)

8 Emission controls  Quality standards
Second step Emission controls  Quality standards principle sources (point and diffuse) cost-effective and proportionate level and combination product controls and emission limit values phase-out/cessation for PHS within 20 years surface waters (inland & coastal), sediments or biota good chemical status by 2015 “Combined approach”

9 Second step continued The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC requires the Commission : to review 76/464/EEC Directive and its “daughter” Directives, revise the controls of the priority substances and possibly repeal relevant (parts of these) Directives. (Article 16(8))

10 Second step continued The Decision 2455/2001/EC furthermore requires the Commission : to review whether 14 of the priority substances should be classified hazardous.

11 Third step The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC required the Commission : to review the adopted list of priority substances at the latest December 2004 and every four years thereafter Article 16 (4), and come forward with proposals as appropriate.

12 Current thinking Package of proposals Directive(s) on : - quality standards - emission controls Decision on the review of the 14 “priority hazardous substances under review”. Review/repeal of Directive 76/464/EC and daughter Directives, to be integrated in the directive(s). Deadline : end of 2003

13 Time table 2003 Expert Advisory Forum 4 (EQS) : 14 February Expert Group on Quality Standards: early-May Expert Advisory Forum 5 (EQS+EC) : end May Opinion of Scientific Committee: July-October Expert Advisory Forum 6 (EC) : early October Interservice consultation : early November Adoption by the Commission : end December

14 developing concrete proposals
State of play Basic studies prepared and first round of consultation finalized - now focus on : developing concrete proposals ensuring synergies with other Community policies (especially on Chemicals, Pesticides, IPPC, etc) negotiation and reaching agreement Drafting of the legislative proposals.

15 Additional information required on quality standards:
Starting point EQS Quality Standards Concrete proposals to be based on the “Fraunhofer” study and comments received. Additional information required on quality standards: analysis and monitoring methods background concentrations standards for biota and sediment

16 Element of the EQS Directive
The EQS proposal Element of the EQS Directive Annex with a table of quality standards for all priority substances, expressed in a concentration value(in relation to background value for naturally occurring metals) for surface waters (inland and coastal), sediments and biota. Annex with analytical methods to be used for each substance. Harmonized to enable compliance checking.

17 Deadlines AMPS input (EAF) Analysis and monitoring methods, existing and new. Background concentrations Recommendations on analysis and monitoring for biota and sediment

18 Presentation of results
AMPS input Presentation of results Impartial EU scientific advise by substance. Targeted for inclusion in the legislative proposals. Sufficient information on different options, to enable an informed choice to be made on which methodologies to use. Presented to policy makers.

19 Part II

20 For all naturally occurring metals on the list.
Background concentrations For all naturally occurring metals on the list. Recommendations for methods of establishing background concentrations(BC) : Approach to determine the BCs, which methods give which results? Case studies. Which geographical scale is appropriate for determining BCs? Presentation of BCs in map/table form (by relevant geological / geographical area?)

21 Biota and sediment WFD Article 16(7) requires the Commission to present quality standards for surface waters, biota or sediments. Recommendations on which monitoring methodologies exists and can be used for the different substances. How can compliance be regularly monitored for biota and sediment?

22 Part III

23 Work plan Follow-up points of these actions Review of the priority substance list (possibility to add new substances) Follow-up to the decision at the end of 2003 regarding the PHS under review - i.e. proposal for a Directive on the phase-out or cessation of discharges, emissions and losses.

24 Part IV

25 Strategic Co-ordination group
Old organization Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Stakeholders NGO’s, Experts, etc. Strategic Co-ordination group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Expert Advisory Forum Priority Substances Chair: Commission WG 2.1:Analysis of pressures and impacts Lead: UK ,Germany WG2.5: Intercalibration Lead: JRC Ispra Expert Advisory Forum Groundwater Chair: Commission WG 2.3:Reference conditions inland surface waters Lead: Sweden WG2.7: Monitoring Lead: Italy, EEA WG2.6: Economic analysis Lead: France, Commission WG2.4: Typology, class. of transitional, coastal waters Lead: UK, EEA WG2.8: Tools on assess., classific. of Groundwater Lead: Austria Expert Advisory Forum Reporting Chair: Commission WG2.2: Heavily modified water bodies Lead: Germany , UK WG2.9: Best practice in river basin planning Lead: Spain WG3.1: Geographical Information Systems Lead: JRC Ispra

26 Strategic Co-ordination group “Integrated River Basin Management”
New organisation Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Expert Advisory Forum 1) Priority Substances 2) Groundwater (mid-2003) Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Strategic Co-ordination group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Expert group AMPS Expert group EQS Working Group 2.A “Ecological Status” Lead/Co-lead: D, JRC, UK (tbc) Working Group 2.B “Integrated River Basin Management” Lead/Co-lead: F, SP (tbc) Working Group 2.C “Groundwater” (after end of EAF GW) Lead: A (tbc) Working Group 2.D “EAF Reporting” Lead: Commission Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

27 Relation of AMPS to the WFD structure
Sub-group of EAF Priority Substances technical support for issues relating to analysis and monitoring of chemicals link between implementation (WG 2.7) and policy development (EAF) identification of “best practices” recommendations regarding specific technical questions

28 Water Framework Directive Team
Maria Brättemark Water Framework Directive Team European Commission DG Environment - Unit B.1 (Water, marine and soil) Tel: Fax: Web: Office: BU-9 03/136 Postal address: B-1049 Brussels

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