Part IV of AP Statistics

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Presentation on theme: "Part IV of AP Statistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part IV of AP Statistics
Inference Part IV of AP Statistics

2 Inference Draw conclusions about a population from sample data

3 The Basics of Confidence Intervals
Section 10.1

4 Readability Test What makes a book easier or more difficult to read? An interesting story line, intriguing characters, and an appealing writing style certainly help. But from an educator’s standpoint, the readability of a book or article depends mainly on word and sentence length. In this Activity, you will learn some methods for evaluating readability.

5 Readability Test Work with a partner.
Use your calculator to randomly choose a page from our book, pg Count the length of the first 100 words on that page. If it doesn’t have 100 words, go to the next page.

6 Readability Test Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the numbers of letters per word. Now construct an interval using the formula,

7 Section 10.1: The Basics of Confidence Intervals
Confidence Interval=estimate margin of error Confidence Level (C)= probability that the interval will capture the true parameter value in repeated samples Which interval will be wider, confidence level of 90% or 99%?


9 In class: pg. 625 #1

10 Homework Pg. 625 #2-5

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