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INTD 52 fundamentals of lighting choosing the correct lamps choosing the correct luminaires.

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Presentation on theme: "INTD 52 fundamentals of lighting choosing the correct lamps choosing the correct luminaires."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTD 52 fundamentals of lighting choosing the correct lamps choosing the correct luminaires

2 lamps a.k.a. lightbulbs thousands of lamps to choose fromfind the ones that work well for your particular style all lamps have their advantages and disadvantagesunderstanding them & informing your clients what those differences are is the key element to making intelligent selections

3 knowing the various properties of the lamps that are available will help in choosing your luminaires four categories: incandescent fluorescent high-intensity discharge (HID) light-emitting diode (LED)

4 INCANDESCENT LAMPS what we are most familiar with has been around since the 1800s standard household bulbs come in many sizes & shapes come in many wattages & voltages least efficient of the four categories heating the filament to a visible glow generates lightthe hotter the filament, the brighter the light

5 INCANDESCENT LAMPS lamp life is shortened by the heat glass envelopes are usually clear or frosted can be colored to provide a wide variety of hues basic incandescent emits light that is yellowish in color degrees Kelvin? 2800 K dramatically effects the look of objects being illuminated

6 INCANDESCENT LAMPS standard incandescent lamps are: a good point source with optical control easily dimmed at a relatively low cost very versatile in regard to shapes and wattages drawbacks: short lamp life750 – 2,000 hours the least efficient of the four categories

7 INCANDESCENT LAMPS due to concerns over energy conservation, and advances in technology, certain lamps have been replaced by newer, more efficient light sources

8 INCANDESCENT LAMPS you can tell a lot about an incandescent lamp from its name: 100-watt version is called a 100A19 IF120V Ashape of the lamp (arbitrary) 19refers to the diameter of the lamp (all lamps are measured in increments of 1/8 inch) IFinside frost 120V120 volt lamp

9 HALOGEN LAMPS is an advanced or improved incandescent lamp Just like standard incandescents but contain a halogen gas which recycles tungsten back onto the filament surface. The halogen gas allows the lamps to burn more intensely without sacrificing life --GE lighting

10 HALOGEN LAMPS whiter than standard incandescent by 200 K still 2000 K yellower than daylight when dimmed becomes as yellow as standard incandescent treat as basically a warm source of illumination

11 HALOGEN LAMPS advantages sources tend to be smaller in sixe than standard incandescent sources of comparable wattage produce more light that standard incandescent sources of comparable wattage better optical control than most standard incandescent, fluorescent or HID sources come in a variety of shapes and sizes

12 HALOGEN LAMPS disadvantages light yellows when dimmed dimming may shorten lamp lifeshould be turned up full at regular intervals to maximize lamp life glass envelope should not be touched without wearing gloves have to be shielded or enclosed in a glass envelope to protect area around it from its intense heat

13 HALOGEN LAMPS with the right reflectors, halogen can produce a wide variety of beam spreads made in in almost all the shapes and sizes of incandescent lamps a few are unique: MR16 & MR11 originally designed for slide projectors PAR36 originally used as airplane fog lights

14 FLUORESCENT LAMPS using electricity to energize a phosphor coating on the inside of a glass envelope creates fluorescent light inside the envelope are droplets of mercury and inert gases such as argon or krypton at each end of the fluorescent tube are electrodes when electricity flows, between electrodes they create ultraviolet light that causes the phosphor coating to glow or fluoresce

15 FLUORESCENT LAMPS advantages longer lamp life 10,000 hours lower maintenance time & cost replaced less often more lumen output 3-5 times more lumens for same watts cooler source dont give off as much heat color variety huge number of color temperatures available dimming do not change significantly in color temperature when dimmed

16 FLUORESCENT LAMPS disadvantages lamp life and lumen output halfway through its life, produces 20% less light hum specify an electronic ballast relative inability to accent must use reflectors to try and use for accent of any kind temperature restrictions difficult to ignite in very cold temperatures

17 FLUORESCENT LAMPS prime uses: ambient light storage areas closets and laundry rooms

18 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) holds the most mystery for designers and architects inside the glass envelope is a small cylinder (made of ceramic or quartz) called an arc tube it is filled with a blend of pressurized gases ballast directs electricity through the tube & charges the gases to produce light

19 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) best suited for exterior lighting large in size require a ballast are not fully dimmable have a limited number of wattages typically have a 10,000-hour lamp life very high lumen output

20 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) types: mercury vapor been around the longest produces a silvery blue-green light terrible for skin tones acceptable for lighting trees

21 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) types: high pressure sodium most widely used typically streetlights emit a gold-orange light poor color rendering capabilities difficult to distinguish faces in this light

22 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) types: low pressure sodium even worse color quality gray-orange gives most colors the same value has the longest life & highest lumen output

23 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) types: metal halide newest produces a light that is the whitest of the HID sources comes in two very usable color temperatures 3000 K and 4000 K come in very small sizes, allowing for more compact luminaires

24 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) disadvantages tendency to shift color throughout life dont shift all the same way metal halide shifts toward green or magenta mass relamping halfway through lifespan will keep color as constant as possible

25 bottom line knowing which lamps work for what you want to create is the main building block for successful and effective lighting design

26 cracking the code some abbreviations to know: Aarbitrary IFinside frost SBsilver bowl Gglobe Ttubular Rreflector ERellipsoidal reflector PARparabolic aluminized reflector MRmirror reflector Ssign

27 participation activity: cracking the code …complete the handout using pages 23-35 in your text book …discuss your answers as a class

28 INTD 52 fundamentals of lighting choosing the correct lamps choosing the correct luminaires

29 luminaire is the industry term for light fixture being familiar with the many types of luminaires that are available is as important as knowing what lamps should go into them

30 portable luminaires torcheres uplights table lamps adjustable accent lights picture lights swags

31 surface-mounted luminaires track lighting ceiling mounted pendant chandeliers

32 participation activity: luminaire presentation …with your assigned group, create an outline for your classmates of information that they need to know about your luminaire category …collect images of as many different examples of your luminaire category for visual aides …use the internet, magazines or other research methods available to you to find any information on cutting-edge technology that pertains to your luminaire category

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