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UNIT 3 Review BINGO! Start by writing all the answers at the bottom of your BINGO card randomly on your board.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3 Review BINGO! Start by writing all the answers at the bottom of your BINGO card randomly on your board."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3 Review BINGO! Start by writing all the answers at the bottom of your BINGO card randomly on your board.

2 Which European country was motivated to explore the New World for more land and resources?

3 This person served as Georgia’s second Royal Governor, he was well-liked but had to leave due to illness.

4 Who controlled the colony during the Trustee period.

5 This person served as Georgia’s first Royal Governor and was not well-liked by the colonists.

6 This person served the longest term as a Royal Governor.

7 What was the main motivating factor behind Oglethorpe creating the GA colony?

8 Which European country was motivated to explore the New World for resources and religious freedom?

9 What was the main purpose of Spanish Missions along Georgia’s coast?

10 What is the name for French Protestants who came to the GA colony seeking religious freedom?

11 What is the name for a legal document that grants certain rights or privileges to a group or institution?

12 What is the name for Christians who broke away from the Catholic Church?

13 Georgia was created to be a ________________________ between the Carolina colony and the Spanish threat in Florida.

14 This city was the first city to be established in the Georgia colony.

15 Which European country was motivated to explore the New World for the reasons of “God, Gold & Glory”?

16 Who was the King of England that gave permission for the Georgia Colony to be created.

17 What is the name for German Protestants who came to the GA colony seeking religious freedom?

18 Who controlled the GA colony when it became a Royal colony?

19 Which half-Creek, half-English woman acted as an interpreter for Oglethorpe and the Yamacraw Indians?

20 Who was the first European Explorer to enter present-day Georgia?

21 Defense, Economics and Charity were the reasons for establishment of what?

22 Slavery, land ownership, and liquor production/selling were allowed in the GA colony?

23 Which group of people were invited to the GA colony due to their fighting skills and bravery in battle?

24 What is the name for colonists who were upset by the Trustees’ policies?

25 Who was the Chief of the Yamacraw who became friends with Oglethorpe?

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