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History of Democracy in Germany

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1 History of Democracy in Germany
Timeline History of Democracy in Germany

2 30.01.1933: Adolf Hitler is democratically elected Chancellor
(the constitution is repealed) : November Revolution disposed of the Emporer 1890: Wilhelm II was Emperor : 1. World War : Weimar Republic: Germany's first democratic constitution

3 : 2. World War : Konrad Adenauer: 1. German Chancellor (FRG) : Oppression of Jews : unconditional surrender of Germany

4 1990: reunification (Capital: Berlin) : First free elections in the GDR Chancellors of Germany

5 1890 Wilhelm II: -the last German emperor -King of Prussia

6 The First World War: -in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, East Asia, on the high seas -17 million people died

7 09.11.1918 November Revolution: -overthrow of the monarchy in Germany
-parliamentary democracy

8 1919-1933 Weimar Republic: -first parliamentary democracy
-end: with the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor

9 30.01.1933 Adolf Hitler (*20.4.1889 in Austria, +30.4.45 in Berlin):
-was dictator of the German Empire -NSDAP -chancellor and then President

10 15.09.1935 Civil laws: -Jews were oppressed
-lost their rights as citizens -mixed marriages/sex were prohibited -Extermination camps -Extermination camps

11 1939-1945 The Second World War: -global war -many major powers
million people died

12 08.05.1945 -unconditional surrender of the German Empire
-Germany was divided -UK, Soviet Union, France, United States

13 1949-1963 Konrad Adenauer (*1876, +1967):
-first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) -CDU (Christian democratic union)

14 18.03.1990 Berlin Wall: -fell on 9. November 1989 Elections:
-first democratic elections in the GDR (German Democratic Republik = East Germany) on 18. March 1990

15 1990 -Germany was reunited -Berlin = Capital

16 Chancellors of Germany
Konrad Adenauer (CDU, 1949–1963 ) Ludwig Erhard (CDU, 1963–1966) Kurt Georg Kiesinger (CDU, 1966–1969 ) Willy Brandt (SPD, 1969–1974) Helmut Schmidt (SPD, 1974–1982) Helmut Kohl (CDU, 1982–1998) Gerhard Schröder (SPD, 1998–2005) Angela Merkel (CDU, since 2005)

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