The Election 13.5.

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Presentation on theme: "The Election 13.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Election 13.5

2 Electoral College Today
Political parties have started nominating electors Originally “free agents” Choosing electors- Same day everywhere (Tuesday after first Monday in November of even years) Winner-take-all Names of electors aren’t on ballot, instead Pres. And VP

3 Counting Electoral Votes
Electors meet (Monday after 2nd Wed. in Dec.) Cast 2 votes (Pres., VP) Mailed to President of Senate Formal Election: January 6 with joint-session of Congress Must win 270 of 538 electoral votes for victory (Senate, Reps, D.C.) If no majority, House chooses (1 state = 1 vote) If house fails by Jan. 20, Senate votes

4 Flaws in the Electoral College
May not reflect popular vote (winner-take-all) Electors aren’t required to vote for candidate favored by popular vote Any presidential election might be decided in the house

5 Proposed Reforms Generally occurs after controversy 1st- District Plan
Electors to be chosen in each state in the same way as members of congress (2 by at-large; remaining by single member district) Pros: Do away with winner take all problem Make electoral vote more accurate Cons: Loser of popular vote could still win the electoral vote Gerrymandering will increase

6 Proposed Reforms Proportional Plan
Each candidate would receive same share of electoral votes as he received in popular vote. Pro Cure winner-take-all problem (more in line with popular vote) Eliminate faithless electors Con More likely that House would choose more presidents (splinter)

7 Proposed Reforms Direct Popular Election Pro Con
Support the democratic ideal Con Small states oppose (could block amend.) Weaken the federal system (states lose role) Too much emphasis on campaign election process Voting fraud

8 Proposed Reforms National Bonus Plan-
Keep much of electoral college system but weight winner-take-all feature in favor of popular vote 102 electoral votes awarded to winner of the popular vote Majority of electoral votes = 321 If no majority winner, run-off between top 2 No need to have electoral college Not well understood or supported

9 Proposed Reforms Electoral College Supporters 2 major strengths
Known process- we don’t know what is wrong with the others…yet Identifies winner quickly and certainly

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