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Contrast linking words

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1 Contrast linking words
While In contrast to In contrast On the other hand

2 Contrasting ideas Ahmed likes English X Mohammed likes Math
Khaled likes playing tennis X Saif likes playing football Half of the class speak English X the other half speak Arabic Mona speaks French X Maryam speaks German

3 In contrast / in contrast to
Ahmed likes English . In contrast, Mohammed likes Maths. In contrast to Mohammed, Ahmed likes English. Khaled likes playing tennis. In contrast, Saif likes playing football. In contrast to Khaled, Saif likes playing football.. Does Mohammed like English? Does Saif like playing football? Which expression do you use before 2 ideas? Which expression do you use after one idea and before another one? After which expression do you use comma?

4 In contrast or in contrast to?
Mona speaks French. _____________, Maryam Speaks German. __________________ to Maryam, Mona speaks German. Write your own sentences using “in contrast” and “in contrast to” 1. 2.

5 on the other hand / while
Ahmed likes English _while_ Mohammed likes Maths. While Ahmed likes English, Mohammed likes Maths. Ahmed likes English. __On the other hand (in contrast) , Mohammed likes Maths. Saif likes playing football . __________________ Mohammed likes playing tennis. Mohammed likes playing tennis _______________ Saif likes playing football. _____________Saif likes playing football, Mohammed likes playing tennis.

6 Think of contrasting ideas
Think of contrasting ideas. Make your own sentences using “on the other hand”/ “while” 1. 2. 3.

7 Mona and Amina Mona and Amina are sisters. Everyone expects them to have a lot of things in common but they are so different. ____________ Mona is very tall and slim, Amina is short and plump. Amina likes laughing and talks a lot. ______________, Mona is a very studious, serious girl. She likes English and Maths ______________ her sister loves Art and Music. __________ Mona, Amina can spend hours with her friends chatting. Although they are so different, they love spending time together and they love each other dearly.

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