“Education and the labour market” in NewCronos

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1 “Education and the labour market” in NewCronos
ETS WG, 31 January-2 February 2005 Agenda Item 14 document 2005-ETS EN

2 Need of a domain on “education and the labour market” (ELM)
LFS results on education (LFS-E) are more and more used in policy making and benchmarking Data on educational attainment are among the most requested by users Need to develop specific LFS-E indicators for use in policies other than employment Need to develop further a specific metadata system and quality evaluation for LFS-E indicators Major concern: Compatibility ELM with standard LFS methods (including dissemination) Therefore the ELM will be linked as much as possible to the LFS domain in NewCronos

3 Basic structure Labour Force Survey results
Results from ad hoc surveys (modules) 2000 on transition 2003 on lifelong learning 2009…

4 Basic structure for LFS results
A. Participation in education or training during the past four weeks B. Education outcomes C. Labour Market Status D. Employment conditions E. Unemployment F. Labour Market mobility (flows)

5 A. Participation in education or training during the past four weeks
A.1a Participation in regular education/training during the last four weeks by age groups (15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30+) and sex A.1b Participation in taught learning during the last four weeks by age groups (15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 25-64) and sex A.1c Participation in regular education/training or taught learning during the last four weeks by age groups (15-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 25-64) and sex A.1d Participation in taught learning during the last four weeks by purpose (job-related, personal) A.1e Participation in taught learning during the last four weeks by duration (length of training)

6 A. Participation in education or training during the past four weeks
A.2a Proportion of young people aged in regular education/training by educational attainment level of head of household A.2b Proportion of young people aged in regular education/training by occupation of head of household A.2c Proportion of tertiary education students among young people aged (living with their parents) by educational attainment level of head of household A.2d Proportion of tertiary education students among young people aged (living with their parents) by occupation of head of household A3a Percentage of employees aged who participated in taught learning in the last four weeks by age groups (25-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 25-64) and sex A.4d Percentage of employees aged who participated in taught learning in the last four weeks by occupation (ISCO) A.4e Percentage of employees aged who participated in taught learning in the last four weeks by size of local unit (1-10, 11-50, 50+)

7 B. Education outcomes B.1 Distribution of educational attainment level of the population year olds by age groups (25-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 25-64) and sex B.2 Percentage of population by level of education attained (low, intermediate, at least intermediate, high) and sex B.3 Percentage of years old not participating in regular education (early school leavers) by sex B.4 Tertiary education graduates aged by field of education and sex B.5 Secondary and post-secondary graduates by field of education and sex

8 C. Labour Market Status C.1 Activity rates (people in employment or unemployment) by educational level of the population year olds C.2 Youngest age at which the employment rate reaches 50% (jobs with a minimum of 12 hours per week) C.3 Labour market status (employed, unemployed, inactive) of people aged years old C.4 Proportion of employed people combining job and regular education/training by age group (15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30+)

9 D. Employment conditions
D.1a Employment rates of the population year olds by level of education attained (low, intermediate, at least intermediate, high) D.1b Proportion of employed by educational level of the population year olds D.2 Distribution of professional status (employer, self-employed, employee, family worker) for people aged by educational level D.3 Permanent/Temporary employees by educational level of the population aged 25-64 D.4a Percentage of employees aged with part-time jobs by educational attainment level D.4b Percentage of employees aged with involuntarily part-time jobs by educational attainment level D.5 Percentage of employees aged with insecure jobs by educational attainment leve D.6 Distribution of occupation of people with higher education qualifications by age group

10 E. Unemployment E.1 Unemployment rates (unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force) by educational level of the population year olds E.2 Long-term unemployed as a percentage of unemployed persons aged by level of education

11 F. Labour Market mobility (flows)
F.1 Proportion of employed who have kept the same job between two consecutive years by educational level F.2 Proportion of employed who have changed job between two consecutive years by educational level F.3 Proportion of unemployed who were in employment one year before by educational level F.4 Proportion of unemployed who were in unemployment one year before by educational level F.5 Proportion of employed who were in unemployment one year before by educational level

12 The ETS WG is invited: to comment on the proposed structure and propose modifications, additions or deletions to comment on the proposed indicators and propose modifications, additions or deletions to make suggestions on the presentation of the collection to send further comments after the ETS WG meeting (by 25 February 2005). The objective is to have the new ELM collection in NewCronos in July 2005.

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