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Doc.A6465/14/20 Ag.21 Mission Expenses

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.A6465/14/20 Ag.21 Mission Expenses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Doc.A6465/14/20 Ag.21 Mission Expenses Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 24th & 25th March 2014

2 Reminder of calculation methodology
Mission allowances …aim to compensate costs… …which are incurred by staff… …working on official business… …away from their place of employment. Similar focus to cost of living adjustment …therefore methodology is linked to CC

3 Daily Allowances: a 2 stage process
Update the Brussels value using an agreed temporal index (eg. HICP) Update the Duty Station values using an agreed spatial index (ie. PPP calculated for CC purposes)

4 Which (HICP & CC) index to use for mission daily allowances?
Intra-EU Global index excluding housing OR 75% restaurants/cafes 25% global index excluding housing Extra-EU Global index (already excludes housing…)

5 Updating Brussels daily allowance value using HICP
Intra-EU Extra-EU

6 Updating other duty stations daily allowance value using CC
Intra-EU (1) Intra-EU (2)

7 Update duty stations daily allowance values using CC

8 Hotel Ceilings: a 3 stage process
Update the Brussels value using an agreed temporal index (eg. HICP) Update the Duty Station values using an agreed spatial index (ie. correction coefficients) Check whether new level would cover 90% of recent claims

9 Which (HICP & CC) index to use for hotel ceilings?
Intra-EU Sub-index for hotels Extra-EU Not possible (no reliable CC sub-index)

10 Updating Brussels hotel ceiling values using HICP

11 Updating other duty station hotel ceiling values using CC

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