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International conflicts rEview

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1 International conflicts rEview

2 WWI 1914-1919 Central Powers v. allied Powers
The US was forced into the war after the discovery of the Zimmerman telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania. The us policy of “isolationism” came to an end when president Wilson sent troops to Europe to defeat the central powers. Most of the blame for the war was placed on Germany. Therefore Germany was severely punished for its aggressions in the treaty of Versailles.

3 wwii 1939-1945 Axis Powers v. Allied powers
A conflict fought to prevent Hitler and the axis powers from reaching their goal of “world Domination.” Again, the us tried to stay “neutral” but we were forced into the war after the bombing of pearl harbor. The us ended the war in the pacific by dropping two atomic bombs.

4 Korean war A conflict fought along the 38th parallel to contain the spread of communism in Asia. The Korean peninsula remains divided today between the communist north and the democratic south. North Korea's leader Kim Jong un continues to provoke the us and the world today.

5 Vietnam war Another conflict fought to stop the spread of communism in Asia. HO Chi Minh tried to advance the power of his communist regime into south Vietnam. This was a very controversial conflict. Therefore, the us pulled out in the 70s’ and south Vietnam fell to the communist north. Conflict was begun under the Kennedy administration and ended during the Nixon administration.

6 Bay of pigs 1961 Cia trained Cuban exiles returned to Cuba in an attempt to overthrow Castro. The military invasion was a total disaster and Cuba remains communist today.

7 Cuban missile crisis October 1962
After the bay of pigs, Castro feared the US would try to assassinate him or overthrow his communist government. Castro allowed the soviet union to begin storing missiles in Cuba and point them at the us, their mutual enemy. Kennedy enacted a naval blockade around Cuba. Kennedy and krushev reached an agreement when the soviet union removed the missiles from Cuba and Kennedy secretly removed missiles from turkey.

8 Gulf wars I &ii The first war was fought to free Kuwait from an Iraqi invasion. The second war was fought to remove Saddam Hussein from power and to remove the threat of terrorism from both Iraq and Afghanistan. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found and the Iraqi government remains unstable today.

9 Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iranian revolutionaries stormed the US embassy and took nearly 60 Americans hostage. The Iranians insisted that the shah be returned to Iran by the U.S. to stand trial in exchange for the hostages. 444 days later the hostages were released

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