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March 2003 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PHY Proposal for the IEEE 802.15.3a standard]

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Presentation on theme: "March 2003 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PHY Proposal for the IEEE 802.15.3a standard]"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2003 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PHY Proposal for the IEEE a standard] Date Submitted: [ “3 March, 2003”] Source: [Do-Hoon Kwon] Company [Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (SAIT)] Address [San14-1 Nongseo-Ri Kiheung-Eup, Yongin , Korea] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [IEEE a Call For Proposal] Abstract: [This document proposes Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(SAIT)’s PHY proposal for the IEEE a high rate alternate PHY standard.] Purpose: [PHY proposal for the IEEE a standard.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

2 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(SAIT)’s PHY Proposal for IEEE 802.15.3a
March 2003 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.(SAIT)’s PHY Proposal for IEEE a Do-Hoon Kwon Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> March 2003 Objective Effective use of the UWB spectrum Robust and scalable system design Immunity to narrowband interference Low-cost implementation Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT) <author>, <company>

4 Features The proposed system meets all the system requirements
March 2003 Features The proposed system meets all the system requirements uses multi-band frequency plan transmits and receives Gaussian wavelets employs DPSK+PPM modulation can reject narrowband interferers with ease features low-complexity structure has component specs suitable for CMOS integration does not consume excessive power Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

5 Frequency plan Multi-band frequency plan: 10 sub-bands of 700MHz width
March 2003 Frequency plan Multi-band frequency plan: 10 sub-bands of 700MHz width fL=3.15GHz and fH=10.15GHz Spectrum reaches <-10dB at 3.1 & 10.6GHz Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

6 Time domain waveform(to be updated)
March 2003 Time domain waveform(to be updated) A single waveform occupies one time slot out of 4 slots for PPM modulation A single Tx-chain uses a single sub-band for transmission Easy to implement (Simplified Tx structure) Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

7 Modulation(to be updated)
March 2003 Modulation(to be updated) DPSK+PPM modulation 3 bits/symbol DPSK allows simple non-coherent detection 4-position PPM Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

8 Multi-band transmission(to be updated)
March 2003 Multi-band transmission(to be updated) Parallel transmission leads to linear scaling of data rate Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

9 Link budget(to be updated)
March 2003 Link budget(to be updated) Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

10 Unit Manufacturing Cost(UMC)
March 2003 Unit Manufacturing Cost(UMC) Multi-band architecture is CMOS-friendly. Non-coherent detection allows low-cost implementation Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

11 PHY-SAP Data Throughput
March 2003 PHY-SAP Data Throughput Data throughput are adjusted by two parameters bits/symbol: 1bit/symbol, 2 bits/symbol, 3 bits/symbol No. of channels: 2 or higher Lowest data rate are supported by 1bit/symbol + single-band transmission Highest data rate are supported by 3bits/symbol + multi-band transmission Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

12 Coexistence with narrowband interferer
March 2003 Coexistence with narrowband interferer IEEE a is the strongest narrowband interferer Coexistence mode Do not use band #3 for GHz Do not use band #4 for GHz WLAN interferers Channel allocation can be dynamically assigned depending on channel monitoring results Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

13 March 2003 Manufacturability Conventional narrowband technology can be easily applied Feasible with CMOS technology: Full-band LNA is not needed Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

14 Regulatory Impact Geopolitical scope
March 2003 Regulatory Impact Geopolitical scope Multi-band usage pattern can be dynamically configured depending on location of usage Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

15 Scalability Data rates Frequencies of operation Power consumption
March 2003 Scalability Data rates 110Mbps is supported by two-band transmission Higher data rates are supported by multi-band parallel transmission and higher bits/symbol Lower data rates are supported by single-band transmission and 1bit/symbol mode Frequencies of operation As the UWB frequency band expands, more sub-bands can be defined Power consumption For low data rates, single-band mode operation reduces power consumption Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

16 March 2003 Multi-Path Immunity The proposed system inherits the multi-path resistance of impulse radios Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

17 Power Consumption Power consumption is minimal No power amplifier
March 2003 Power Consumption Power consumption is minimal No power amplifier Multiple carrier frequencies are generated from a single PLL Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

18 Antenna Practicality Antenna form factor Planar
March 2003 Antenna Practicality Antenna form factor Planar Small size (1.5cm X 1.5cm) Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

19 General Solution Criteria
March 2003 General Solution Criteria Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

20 PHY Solution Criteria March 2003
Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

21 Conclusions The system uses The system features
March 2003 Conclusions The system uses 10 sub-bands of equal bandwidth Gaussian wavelets DPSK+PPM modulation The system features high scalability in data rates coexistence with narrowband interference low power consumption easy manufacturability Do-Hoon Kwon, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(SAIT)

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