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PII, Technology, and Berkeley College’s Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "PII, Technology, and Berkeley College’s Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 PII, Technology, and Berkeley College’s Solutions
Sarah Macri, Director of Financial Aid Back Office Processing Christine Toth, Database Manager

2 Berkeley College Facts and figures
Established in 1931 Specializes in business Seven locations in New York/New Jersey metropolitan area Over 6000 Student Enrolled Over1500 faculty and staff Students from over 100 countries have attended

3 WHAT IS PII Personally identifiable information (PII) includes information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity either directly or indirectly through linkages with other information. Additional information on PII is available in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulations, 34 CFR §99.3, and in the PTAC publication Checklist: Data Governance


5 Why do I need to worry about data security?
Educational institutions are specifically being targeted because of the current state of ad-hoc security coupled with the educational environment being a rich trove of s, information, and research.

6 Why do I need to worry about data security?
Starting in 2018, GLBA information security safeguards will be audited to ensure administrative capability. Draft audit language: Audit Objectives – Determine whether the IHE designated an individual to coordinate the information security program; performed a risk assessment that addresses the three areas noted in 16 CFR (b) and documented safeguards for identified risks. Suggested Audit Procedures a. Verify that the IHE has designated an individual to coordinate the information security program. b. Obtain the IHE risk assessment and verify that it addresses the three required areas noted in 16 CFR (b). c. Obtain the documentation created by the IHE that aligns each safeguard with each risk identified from step b above, verifying that the IHE has identified a safeguard for each risk.

7 Institution Wide Solutions
The college had taken broad steps towards system security HOWEVER Don’t forget that data security is only 15% caused by cyberspace

8 Policies and Procedures
Wrote extensive P and P and trained staff Changed whatever technology we could Created new technology INTRODUCING BERKBOX


10 Changing Environment of the Financial Aid Office
Communication is different Text messages & cell phones Social Media s There is often a paperless expectation An expectation to do more with less

11 A Few Thoughts On Going Paperless
We have an online campus (mode of delivery), also E-Text Students can be on-site and online We have E-Forms Verification Forms Loan Changes Other Institutional Forms But what about all the other stuff?? For example… tax transcripts often need to be submitted. That’s a paper form. How do we make this paperless?

12 A Few Thoughts On Doing More with Less
Many regulations continue to make our profession more administratively burdensome We are expected to communicate and disclose issues quickly, but also thoroughly As the office moves to merge these with technology, we found a way to make this work

13 How BerkBox Solves This For Berkeley:
Provides a method to securely upload documentation to the financial aid office Students are not required to visit the Financial Aid Office in order to resolve many outstanding issues (helping our efficiency) Immediate “scanning” to our imaging system

14 How BerkBox Solves This For Berkeley:
Student is notified within minutes of their documents being received, and in some cases, that we still require additional information These notifications are automatic by the system and/or determined by the Financial Aid Advisor Nearly real-time updates to our system on students who have completed various requirements, making turnaround on other items much more efficient Benefitting us, and most importantly our students For example: how we package

15 How BerkBox Works – the Workflow
Current students, prospects, and parents upload documents to the Financial Aid Office Documents upload directly to our imaging system Student receives notification item was received, our requirements checklist is updated to “received” The Financial Aid Advisor is given the opportunity to review the documents and determine if the received item meets the requirements requested of the student If it does not meet the requirement, student is notified, FAA processes the form and requirements checklist is updated back to still required If it does meet the requirement, student is notified (*but still under review!), FAA processes the form, requirements checklist is updated to “complete”

16 Systems at Berkeley College
Perceptive Transform Eforms 8.14 AssureSign, Electronic Signature Software Perceptive Content 7.2, Hyland Software PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 Engage, Student Portal

17 Security Authentication Knowledge Based Encryption Application Lock
Validation Assurance

18 Berkbox makes life easier
 Automatic data filler  Students’ Missing Documents Bio Demo Data Functionality Document Descriptions

19 BerkBox BerkBox Parent BerkBox M


21 Checklist Connector Automatically update checklists in the Student Administration System

22 Concluding Thoughts on Integration:
Do this in steps! Is your data secure? Fax machines, computers, , etc. Is your institution set-up to move this direction? (IT, etc.) Then start addressing the broader technology questions: Can we handle cell phone images? Can we do E-Forms? Training – internally (staff), externally (students) And other ideas….

23 Questions?

24 CONTACT INFO Sarah Christine

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