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Epistles of the Water Walker

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2 Epistles of the Water Walker

3 Epistles of the Water Walker
1 Peter 1:3-12 A Doxology of Praise Our Living Hope

4 Rooted in our Inheritance
Blessed (eulogized) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who:  according to His great mercy (eleos) has caused us to be born again (cf. John 3:3; Titus 3:5) to a living (objective) hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20-21) 

5 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Indestructible Can’t be damaged

6 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Indestructible Undefiled Can’t be made unclean

7 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Indestructible Undefiled Unfading Will never be less bright!

8 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Indestructible Undefiled Unfading Inheritance Clearly eschatological

9 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Indestructible Undefiled Unfading Inheritance Reserved in heaven for Us

10 Rooted in our Inheritance
To an Inheritance Reserved in heaven for Us Kept by God’s Power Through Faith Until the clouds roll back like a scroll!

11 Despite our Suffering (6-7)
Trials are part of life But we can rejoice! We MUST rejoice! Because it’s only for a little while <110 years  And they refine us Sanctify us To the glory of God!

12 Despite His “Absence” (8-9)
We can’t/don’t see Him But we love Him We believe in Him (John 20:26-29) Joy is the present result Salvation is the future result (11:17- 27)

13 As foretold by the Prophets
Paul speaks of this as the mystery being revealed (Ephesians 1:10) Peter may have several “surprising” points in mind (Matthew 15:25-27):

14 As foretold by the Prophets
(1) The Old Testament prophets suffered greatly due to their calling, and as such, they provide us with an example of perseverance in persecution.

15 As foretold by the Prophets
(2) God spoke to us through the prophets because they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. It was the “Spirit of Christ” who moved these men to speak.

16 As foretold by the Prophets
(3) The prophets of old were speaking (prophesying) of a future day.  The prophets spoke to the men and women of their own time, but they also spoke of things yet to come to pass.

17 As foretold by the Prophets
(4) The Old Testament prophets spoke of the salvation to be accomplished in the future, a salvation by grace. 

18 As foretold by the Prophets
(5) Specifically, the prophets of old spoke of the coming of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ, the Messiah, so that the things they foretold are those which are now proclaimed by those who herald the good news of the Gospel.

19 As foretold by the Prophets
(6) The prophets spoke of salvation in terms of sufferings, followed by glories.

20 As foretold by the Prophets
(7) The salvation of which the Old Testament prophets spoke was a salvation for the Gentiles, as well as the Jews. 

21 As foretold by the Prophets
Because I am blood bought, I am Holy Ghost taught,  I'm redeemed,  I've been set free 


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