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Week beginning 29th April 2019

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1 Week beginning 29th April 2019

2 Wednesday 1st May 2019 Some are called to holiness, living out their relationship with God, as a single person. Some people realize that God's call is not to marriage. They think that God’s call may be to religious life or priesthood, but they also know that, deep down, such a life, is not for them. Could their ‘call’ be to the Single Life? Could God be asking them to live out their relationship with Him, by remaining as they are? Reflection What would be the advantages of living out God’s ‘call’ to me, as a single person? How do I develop a closer relationship with God? Would there be any problems or difficulties?

3 Let us pray… Lord Jesus, We pray for all those who bear witness to your love for us, as single people. We thank you for their generosity, and their commitment to making this world a better place for others. We ask you, to help them and us, to continue to reach out to those in the community, who need our help and support Help us all, to be the person, you want us to be, so that we grow closer to you, and come to know the depth of your love for each one of us. Amen

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