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ClAss F3P Indoor Aerobatic Power Model aIRCRafts Schedule F3P - AP.

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Presentation on theme: "ClAss F3P Indoor Aerobatic Power Model aIRCRafts Schedule F3P - AP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ClAss F3P Indoor Aerobatic Power Model aIRCRafts Schedule F3P - AP

2 AP 01: Take - Off Sequence security line Not judged not scored

3 AP 02: Loop with full integrated roll The loop must be round. The roll is integrated on the circular flightpath of the loop. The roll rate must be constant.

4 AP 03: Half square of horizontal knife edge 1/4 roll The two radii of the half square corners must be equal. The altitude must not vary during the entire manoeuvre

5 4-point roll AP 04: 45 degree upline with 4-point roll All radii are equal. 45°

6 AP 05: Inverted half circle The altitude must be constant during the whole manoeuvre. The circle is of constant radius.

7 AP 06: Reverse cuban eight from top 1/2 roll All radii are equal. 1/2 rolls on middle of the lines

8 AP 07: Half square loop from top, with half roll down 1/2 roll All radii are equal. 1/2 roll on middle of the line

9 AP 08: 1 1/2 rolling circles with three opposite half rolls integrated The circles are of constant radius. The roll rates must be constant. The altitude must not vary during the entire manoeuvre. First haf roll to the outside

10 AP 08: 1 1/2 rolling circles with three opposite half rolls integrated The circles are of constant radius. The roll rates must be constant. The altitude must not vary during the entire manoeuvre. First haf roll to the outside Half rolls must be opposite and fully integrated on circular flight path of the circles The roll reversal must be immedia- tely.

11 AP 09: Stall turn with half roll up 1/2 roll on middle of the line 1/2 roll

12 Pivot on CG Radius of 2 wingspans and more : 0 points! AP 09: Turn mit Halber Rolle aufwärts

13 AP 10: 2 Half torque-rolls The altitude and distance to the security line must be constant during the entire manoeuvre. The half torque rolls are in opposite direction.

14 AP 11: Half square loop All radii are equal.

15 AP 12: 1 turn spin Snap entry: 0 points! Spiral dive: 0 points!

16 AP 13: Landing sequence Peter Uhlig, February 2009 Not judged not scored security line

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