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Essential Stems.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Stems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Stems

2 un not unequal

3 dis away dismiss

4 re again recycle

5 mot mob move mobile

6 -tion act or state addition

7 pre before predict

8 spect look inspect

9 dict say diction

10 com con together common

11 chron time chronological

12 sym syn together sympathy

13 sub under submarine

14 port carry portable

15 miss send missionary

16 graph write autograph

17 de- down descend

18 bi di two bicycle

19 scrib script write scribble

20 bene good benefit

21 mal bad malpractice

22 bio life biology

23 therm heat thermometer

24 mis- bad mistake

25 viv life vivid

26 junct join junction

27 rupt break disrupt

28 ceed cede go proceed

29 cred believe credit

30 ad to advance

31 phon sound telephone

32 non not nonsense

33 biblio book bibliography

34 amphi both amphibian

35 in im into include

36 trans across transport

37 omni all omniscient

38 se- apart separate

39 circum around circumference

40 fer carry ferry

41 extra beyond extraordinary

42 geo earth geography

43 equi equal equation

44 phobia fear arachnophobia

45 theo god theology

46 cracy government democracy

47 oct eight octopus

48 tri three triangle

49 meter measure thermometer

50 trib pay contribute

51 demo people democracy

52 pop people population

53 mar sea marine

54 neo new neophyte

55 hyper over hyperactive

56 alter other alternate

57 super over Superman

58 scope look telescope

59 auto self autograph

60 temp time temporary

61 astr star astronaut

62 ex- out exit

63 ject throw eject

64 ped foot or child pedal pediatrician

65 man hand manicure

66 fict fact fy make fiction

67 ambul walk perambulator

68 bell war rebel

69 aqua water aquarium

70 hydro water hydrant

71 soph wise sophomore

72 mono one monopoly

73 fract break fraction

74 prim first primary

75 sol alone solo

76 magna great magnificent

77 liber free liberty

78 clude close exclude

79 gen origin genetic

80 polis city metropolis

81 sol sun solar

82 -cle -cule small miniscule

83 il- not illegal

84 -ness quality kindness

85 -er -or one who does actor

86 -logy study of biology

87 -ous having qualities of joyous

88 im- in- not impossible

89 fore before forecast

90 ann year annual

91 poly many polygon

92 semi half semi-sweet

93 -able -ible able to; capable of unable

94 -ish having the quality of childish

95 terra earth terrapin

96 -ar related to lunar

97 medi center median

98 ab abs away absent

99 lat side lateral

100 naut nav ship nautical

101 -ic having the nature of bionic

102 kilo thousand kilometer

103 inter between interrupt

104 volv roll revolve

105 -cide kill pesticide

106 pac peace pacifier

107 mania madness maniac

108 lith rock lithograph

109 audi hear audio

110 vid look video

111 zo animal zoo

112 phile love zoo

113 greg group congregate

114 -ism doctrine socialism

115 path feel sympathy

116 rect right correct

117 fid faith confide

118 epi upon; on top of epicenter

119 tract pull tractor

120 pro forward promote

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