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Nathan Grant Smith, University of Houston

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1 Supporting Trans and Nonbinary Students in Counseling Psychology Training Programs
Nathan Grant Smith, University of Houston Douglas Knutson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

2 APA Guidelines 2015 Transgender and nonbinary people “are those who have a gender identity that is not fully aligned with their sex assigned at birth.” Psychologists recognize how stigma, prejudice, discrimination and violence affect health and well-being. Psychologists strive to recognize the influence of institutional barriers and to assist in developing affirmative environments.

3 Issues Facing Students: Documentation
Federal and state documents School documents Publications/Authorship Pronouns

4 Issues Facing Students: Health
Affirmative Mental Health Affirmative Physical Health Transition Related Services Support Groups

5 Issues Facing Students: Discrimination
Faculty Students University Local Area/Context

6 Issues Facing Students: Practicum
Revictimization (in research experiences too) Secondary Trauma Tokenism Assumed Specialization or Expert Status (speaking for or representing the larger community) Disclosure to clients, practicum supervisors

7 Issues Facing Students: Facilities
Locker Rooms Bathrooms Gendered Spaces Student Groups Housing Special Interest Organizations

8 Strategies Engage in Self-Exploration
Read/Set a New Article Notification Ask About Needs Listen Repair Ruptures

9 Discussion We’ve covered some potential issues and solutions, but we can’t cover every unique experience you may have had. Please take a moment to share any work you’ve done with trans and nonbinary students. Resources? Things helpful/unhelpful? Be sure to talk about the issues at play as well as the strategies you used to resolve those issues.

10 Vignette Jill (she, her/they, them) is a 25 year old counseling psychology doctoral student who identifies as White, transgender woman, Irish, able-bodied, and lesbian. Jill attends a research methods course that is being taught by a professor (he, him) from a different program. One of Jill’s classmates notifies you that, in class one day, the research methods professor was talking about research on minority populations when he turned to Jill and said, “I’m not as familiar with research on transsexuals, what is most important to consider when trying to reach that community?”

11 Resources Local campus resources (e.g., LGBTQ Resource Center, student groups) Online resources Gender Infinity: National Center for Transgender Equality: FORGE: GLAAD transgender resources: Division 44 resources: APA student resources, including “Proud and Prepared” and “Climate Guide for LGBTQ+” students: SLGBTI resources: transgender-issues/resources/

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