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I can control multiple outputs with a sensor

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Presentation on theme: "I can control multiple outputs with a sensor"— Presentation transcript:

1 I can control multiple outputs with a sensor
Lesson 2

2 Demo What are the inputs and outputs on the scorpion?

3 What are the inputs and outputs?

4 Challenge Can you make the scorpion’s tail sting?
What does that mean the motor has to do?

5 Investigation Can you explain this procedure?

6 Challenge Can you make the scorpion react and sting if you get too close? What do we have to tell the scorpion to do? What steps must we take?

7 Extension Challenges Can you make the scorpion speak?
Can you simplify your code by adding a procedure?

8 Remember to comment your code!
Right click the block and click “add comment”. Explain/summarise what the set of blocks does.

9 What have we learnt? What were your solutions?

10 A possible solution

11 Self-assessment Write your name and class at the top of the sheet.
Read the highlighted points and tick those that you feel you have achieved.

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